How Not to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

My dog Moose has been doing that head shake lately — the one that says ear mites might be to blame. If you’re a dog owner, you may know what I’m talking about: one ear at half mast, frantic head shaking, lots of ear scratching. A quick swipe with a baby wipe showed me that he has debris in the wonky ear. Ear mite debris is usually very dark, and looks a bit like coffee grinds. This was lighter in color, so maybe ear mites aren’t to blame. Maybe he’s got an excess of ear wax, or some other kind … Continue reading

Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit. But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear. Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed … Continue reading

Hearing Tricks

Did you know that just thirty seconds of listening to a 120 decibel concert can put you at risk for permanent hearing damage? It doesn’t take much exposure to loud noise to leave your ears ringing and in danger of permanent hearing loss. Here are some tips to help you protect your hearing and hear better! Wear earplugs if you’re going to a concert. San Francisco recently passed an ordinance requiring music venues to make earplugs available — hopefully other cities will follow suit. A soft pair of earplugs are portable and easy to use. Wear ear protection if you’ll … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Earflap Injuries

Whether your pet has upright ears or floppy, folded over ears, an injury to the ear is going to come with a lot of blood. A lot of blood goes through the earflap area — the visible part of a dog or cat’s ear. Breeds with hanging ears, like Labradors and hounds, tend to have the worst time with earflap injuries — with so much ear, it is easier to get caught, cut, or banged. Outdoor cats are also prone to ear injuries, often from fights with other animals. Most pets don’t have very thick fur on their earflaps, which … Continue reading