FUN with FOODS for Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Is your child a picky eater? Creative food play might help. In San Antonio, Texas, a group of families who have children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (DSI)–and other eating disorders– get their kids together for a special kind of play group once a month. They appropriately named their program “FED UP.” Each “Fed Up” meeting not only provides a social opportunity for the preschoolers and toddlers involved, but it’s based around a theme. On one gathering, the theme was “balls and circles.” The children began their socializing in a ball pit in a tent to warm them up to the … Continue reading

Will a Special Diet Help Your Child?

Parents of children with special needs often get recommendations from other parents about putting their kid on a specialized diet. “I took my son off all artificial colors and additives and his hyperactivity went away,” or, “When my daughter stopped eating processed foods, her ADHD improved,” or “No more sugar for my son. It makes him lose focus,” etc. Some people swear that hyperactivity is caused by food allergies. It can be confusing for parents of newly-diagnosed children to know whether or not to pursue some of these dietary suggestions, and if so, which ones. The Brain Thrives on Good … Continue reading