Boosting Your Immune System With Vitamin C and Echinacea

It never fails. Every time I go on vacation I come back with a cold or a case of the flu. Mike and I just celebrated our fifth anniversary so we spent four days and three nights in Las Vegas. I love going to Sin City, though I honestly don’t do anything I would consider sinful. I’m a frugal person and have a small fun-budget I set for myself and when that’s used up I’m done. I mostly play the penny slots, see the sights, enjoy the free bands that play music from the 80’s, and eat to my heart’s … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements and Your Young Child

Many parents swear by herbal supplements for their young children to do everything from shorten a cold to reduce symptoms of autism. But behind the hype are some important things you should know about herbal supplements, if you want to keep your little one safe. First parents need to understand that herbal supplements are not regulated very rigidly. In fact, the amount or concentration of an herb in a supplement can vary per dose. For the safer herbs, this may not matter much. But some herbs can prove dangerous. Always inform your pediatrician if you are trying herbal supplements for … Continue reading


Goldenseal root was introduced to early settlers by Cherokee Indians. The Native Americans used the root to relieve skin diseases, wounds, and eye problems. As far back as 1820, medical writings recommended goldenseal tea as an aid for indigestion, but the bright yellow roots of goldenseal have many more uses than that. Goldenseal root is known as a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, and astringent. Goldenseal grows wild throughout North American in mountainous woodland areas that are nice and moist. Sadly, the herb has been collected to near extinction; supplies are diminishing and herbal supplements can be costly. You will often find … Continue reading


The purple coneflower called Echinacea is a native North American plant. You can find it throughout the central plains, where it grows wild on road banks, fields, prairies, and in the open woods. The flower looks sort of like a black-eyed Susan, with a prominent center and colorful purple petals, instead of Susan’s bright yellow ones. The Plains Indians also called the plant snake root because the roots of Echinacea were used to treat snake bites. But that’s not all. Echinacea was used to treat poisonous insect bites, toothaches, sore throat, wounds, and infectious diseases. Settlers quickly picked up the … Continue reading

The Sinus Experiment: Day One

Over the last few days, I’ve been feeling the rumbles of an impending sinus infection. I’ve got the headache, with pain in the forehead and in the cheeks (below my eyes). I’ve started the nasal congestion, though so far my mucus has been clear. And I’ve got a general feeling of blah… my body is kind of achy, I have less energy than usual, and my appetite is funny. My usual method is to just live with the discomfort until it either goes away or gets bad enough that I go to the doctor. But not this time, sinus infection! … Continue reading