How to have an Eco-Friendly Christmas

Concerned about the effects of climate change? There are some things you can do to have a more environmentally friendly Christmas this year. If you’ve already started decorating, you can use these ideas next Christmas. Adopt a Living Christmas Tree Salon reported that it is possible to borrow a potted pine tree that you adopt for Christmas and decorate as you see fit. Check with your local forestry non-profits to see if they are renting potted trees this year. When Christmas is over, you can return the potted tree to them. The forestry non-profit will re-plant the tree outdoors and … Continue reading

Home Based Business Opportunity – Celadon Road

If you decide to look for a direct sales home – based business opportunity when you decide to make the switch to working from home, you will be pleasantly surprised by just how many direct sales companies there are to choose from. Seriously, there are companies and products out there for just about every personality and lifestyle. Of course, if you are one of those people who has a hard time making decisions, narrowing down the options may be difficult but it is doable. If you are looking for a product line and company that fits in with an environmentally … Continue reading

Waterpik Ecoflow Showerhead

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I like to advocate changing out your standard shower head for a low flow version. The problem is, that it isn’t always easy finding a model that works well and is attractive. The “works well” issue is especially important for me. We live in an older home where the water pressure can sometimes be iffy and maintaining a consistent hot water temperature at the furnace level is sometimes difficult. Still, shortly after we moved in, we installed a low flow shower head right away and lived with it … Continue reading

Green Living is About Doing Things Differently

One misconception that many people have about green living is that it is a lifestyle of deprivation. They picture someone who is eco friendly as a hermit living out in the middle of the woods, subsisting on wild berries and using local leaves as toilet paper (while compositing their resulting waste of course). Green living isn’t about deprivation or a reversion to pre-industrial times. Rather is is a way of living responsibly and doing things differently in order to make our planet sustainable. Sometime you can follow a green lifestyle by following basic green living principals, such as shutting off … Continue reading

The Controversy of the Cat

This morning, I was browsing through various web sites to get some inspiration for this blog. I wanted to see what new things might be out in the world that would help us be more eco-friendly. One suggestion that I came across concerned the cat. Keep your cat indoors, it offered, in order to be eco-friendly. Hmm . First let me start with a disclosure. We do have a cat, and we do keep him indoors. Well, we try to keep him indoors and succeed most of the time. There are moments when someone forgets to close the back door … Continue reading

Green Travel

Getting ready for your summer vacation? Here are some ways that you can make sure your travel is as green as possible. Here are my tips. Stay close to home Vacationing close to home means that there is less travel, so you will be putting less pollution into the air. Reducing your travel time is a very green thing. There are many local activities near any large town or city to explore. When you are on the road, bring along some supplies instead of buying them. For example, fill a cooler and or water bottles with water rather than bringing … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: September 8th Through September 14th

Have you been more conscious about going green? From sheets to rainwater, there are so many ways to help the planet. Take a look at some of the articles that were posted lat week. September 8th Home Week in Review: September 1st Through September 7th We are right in the middle of storm season, especially when it comes to hurricanes. Analysts say this is going to be one of the worst years for storms, so please be prepared. We weathered our last storm very well. Read about our preparations, and share in other Home Blog news. September 9th Collecting Rainwater … Continue reading

Tap Water is Chic

Isn’t it nice to know that the rest of the world is finally catching up to us frugal people? Well, maybe. Of course, I couldn’t help but notice that the dancing cheerleaders at the Summer Olympics all carried plastic bottles of water in a little hip belt as they cheered and welcomed the athletes in to the stadium, during the opening ceremonies last night. Despite those Summer Olympic cheerleaders, the sales of bottled water are on a major decline, as people opt for water from the tap instead. It used to be oh so cool to lug around bottled water. … Continue reading

Hotels: How Green is Too Green and Living Like Indy

I’m all about saving the planet. I recycle and do what I can to conserve of electricity and water. And whereas I have never stayed at an eco-friendly resort, I know they exist and applaud their efforts in preserving the Earth. However, I recently ran across an email sent to me from someone who has contact with the Green Hotels Association and I began to wonder: How green is too green? The eco-friendly lodging group has a few tips for travelers like you and me. They recommend that “beyond demanding green services, we well-intentioned travelers should call ahead to request … Continue reading

Going Green in the Garage (and Basement)

Do you want to start a new project in your home? How about going through your rooms and see what changed you can make to go green and lessen your family’s impact on the planet? There are so many changes that you can make, from the small to the large. We’ve already covered the bedroom and the bathroom. Now, let’s take a look at the garage and basement. Let’s first examine insulation. Insulating the basement can really do a lot to reduce your heating costs. Even if the basement are isn’t heated, having it insulated can still reduce the impact … Continue reading