Freelance Writing: Outline of a Query Letter

Create a professional query letter by including relevant information, ways in which you can be contacted, and keeping it less than one page in length. Use the following or a similar outline. Use the Appropriate Salutation Locate the editor’s name and always address your letter to the editor. There may be different editors for different topics, so be sure you’re writing to the appropriate one. Example: Dear Ms. Smith, If you cannot ascertain the person’s gender by the name alone, look for clues in the guidelines. If the editor’s name is Pat Smith, and there is no indication if Pat … Continue reading

Freelance Writing: Query Letter Info

As you research writer’s guidelines, you’ll see notes such as “please query first.” This means that the editor prefers to learn a bit more about you and about your proposed article, before agreeing to read your complete manuscript. A query letter is a way to introduce yourself and an opportunity to make a good impression. The best way to make a good impression is to keep the query letter short and to the point. Editors are very busy and prefer brief, informative queries. Keeping your query under one page in length, shows that you can convey your message in as … Continue reading