Taking the Focus Off Ourselves for a While

Perhaps because I write so much about what is going on in my own little world, I often feel like I get pretty myopic. As a single parent, I might also be hypersensitive about myself and my life because I feel like I have to pay such close attention to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. That is probably why I think it can be so great to be able to let all that go for a while and focus on people and problems OUTSIDE my family and my little domestic scene. Getting out of my own world and … Continue reading

Keeping Ego in Check

I do a bit of wrestling with the role of my EGO in my home business. I do not always think that ego is a bad thing, but it can get out of control. Trying to figure out when to allow it to run free and give it my ego the upper hand, and when I need to get a grip and let other parts of my psyche rule can be a bit of a challenge when it comes to the entrepreneurial process… Ego is a hard concept for me anyway–I have read so many conflicting things that I am … Continue reading

“Don’t You Know Who I Am?!”

I have a personal theory that any time a customer, client or other individual says something like “Don’t you know who I am?” or “Surely, you’ve heard of me”—the situation or communication cannot go well. I think when you are up against that much Ego (with a capital “E”), it can be really tough to find common ground when it comes to business relations. But, maybe that is just my ego getting in the way! Why is it that this sets me off in work and business situations? First, unless you’re the president of the United States or Elizabeth Taylor, … Continue reading

The Strength of The Ego

Did you know there are studies out there that indicate a man’s ego is not as strong as a woman’s? What the studies indicate is that if your husband were to have lunch with an ex-girlfriend in the general course of activities, you would be less likely to feel threatened by it. If you had lunch with an ex-boyfriend, your husband is more likely to feel threatened and intimidated by it. What Does Our Ego Do? Our ego is what plays host to our self-worth and our self-confidence. The male ego is considerably more fragile than the female ego because … Continue reading