Bible Stories to Share with Your Children: Joseph and Pharaoh

Joseph’s life to the point of Genesis 41 has been anything but ideal. His brothers stripped him of his clothing, threw him into a pit, and then sold him to people passing through the land. These people then sold Joseph to a man named Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife wrongly accuses Joseph of trying to lie with her and Joseph is thrown into prison. While in prison God allows him to rightly interpret dreams of two of Pharaoh’s chief officers. Joseph only asks to be remembered when the interpretations come to pass; however, the chief cupbearer forgets Joseph and he remains in … Continue reading

Fun Marriage Traditions (From Past To Present)

It’s Friday. Today, my husband and I are doing what many married couples before us and after us will do for friends and family. We are going to help my mother move. She’s finally bought her own place. It’s a great experience for her. She’s finally invested in personal property and for the first time in her life, she will own the place she is going to live. She’s very excited about it and my husband, bless him, didn’t miss a beat in the last three months as my mother looked for a new place. So in honor of this, … Continue reading