Tips for Caretakers

Taking care of a loved one or family member can be incredibly difficult and unrewarding. The stress of being a caretaker can be incredible, and seemingly unending. First and foremost, you need to make sure you get some time for yourself. You can’t neglect your own needs just because you are taking care of someone else. Stress and frustration levels will just keep going up unless you take a little time alone to recharge your batteries. What else can you do to make caretaker duties a little easier? Have realistic expectations. You aren’t perfect. The person you are taking care … Continue reading

Caretakers: Role Reversal

Serving as a caretaker is a difficult and often unrewarding task. But have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of the person you are taking care of? I haven’t. For the last two years, I have been living with my grandmother and serving as one of her primary caretakers. Since I was about eight years old, she has been living with Type 2 diabetes. Within the last few years, she’s had to start taking insulin injections to help manage her blood sugar levels. The last few years have also seen a mental decline. My grandmother has changed … Continue reading

About Alzheimer’s Disease: Caretakers

A person with Alzheimer’s disease is most often cared for by a spouse or family member. As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, the patient needs more and more care — all day, every day. This can be very stressful for the caretakers. Many caretakers can experience mental and physical health issues, a strained family life, problems at work, and difficulty managing finances. It is important for caretakers to take time for themselves — without feeling guilty. You are not a bad person if you ask for help, or need a break. Remember, you aren’t going to be much help to the patient … Continue reading

How to Live to Be A Hundred

Want to live to be a hundred years old? Ask the experts: the people who’ve reached the hundred-year milestone. A recent survey from health care company Evercare talked to one hundred people who were between the ages of ninety-nine and one hundred and four. An amazing seventy-one percent of the people surveyed said their health was good, or even excellent. So how do you live a century and still love life? Live life without regrets. Sixty-one people out of the hundred said there was nothing they would have done more of in their lives. Seventy-eight people said there was nothing … Continue reading

Sleep Problems for the Elderly

Your sleep requirements and sleep patterns change throughout your life. But more than half of all older Americans have sleep problems that they think are a normal part of aging. They are NOT a normal part of aging, and the elderly shouldn’t have to suffer with sleep problems. Side effects of sleep problems: Memory loss Decreased ability to concentrate Impaired function (physically and mentally) Higher risk of falls and accidents Moodiness and depression How do you help a beloved friend or family member get a good night’s sleep? Keep a week-long diary that tracks wake-up time and bedtime, plus timing … Continue reading