Bringing the Importance of the Presidential Election Home

Just before bed one day last week, my seven-year-old son was asking me about the presidential election. Bouncing my two-year-old on my hip and supervising the “almost-four-year-old” while she brushed her teeth, I started launching into the two-party system, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, the names of the current candidates, taking him with me when I went to vote, weighing the issues, etc. My son looked at me quizzically, and then gave a slight nod. “But the important thing is that history is going to be made.” That is when I had to bow to the wisdom of a seven-year-old. He … Continue reading

Food, Favors and Decorations to Complete Your Family Election Party

My last blog outlined invitations and possible activities for an Election Day (or Night) Party. This blog will help you prepare for the party. Favors/Name Tags Make name tags/favors in which the name is on a white circle of cardstock. Folded loops of ribbon be glued to the back of the cardstock around the edges of the circle. Leave two ribbons (hanging down. This resembles the rosette ribbons worn by members of political parties in England (hence the term, “showing your colors”). If it’s just a family party, rather than names you could make ribbons of different countries and write … Continue reading

Election Night Party

Why not throw together an election-day party for your family? If you have extended family or friends who can join you, so much the better. (Use judgment in selecting guests who can watch and discuss election results with each other in a civil manner.) Invitations: Have these ready when your crew comes home from work or school: Folded cardstock: on front, paste a clip art image of Uncle Sam and write“I WANT YOU…” On the inside write “… to join me for an election party.” Then lower on the page put the headline: “Proposition One” and following that this text: … Continue reading

New Rule Closes the Loophole with the “Do Not Call List”

Don’t you hate it when unwanted telemarketing messages invade your home? We get at least two or three a week. Funny, because I thought being on the official “Do Not Call” list would eliminate unwanted telemarketing calls. The calls are even more annoying when they come prerecorded. They are also known as “robocalls.” As anyone who has heard it knows, I have been cursed or blessed with a naturally very soft-spoken voice that doesn’t usually get picked up clearly by answering machines or voice recognition systems unless I remember to actively project it. (I have this same problem talking on … Continue reading

Obama and McCain on the Economy

Polls show that the number one factor on Americans minds right now is the economy. Inflation is outpacing the national average for our pay raises. Unemployment is up, families are losing their homes, and more importantly, consumer confidence is down. The number one question we’re asking right now according to many polls, is what will the new president do to fix the economy. Yes, the economy is on our minds ever more so than bringing our troops home. Given that, I thought it appropriate to look at both McCain’s and Obama’s discussion of economics and how we’re going to ameliorate … Continue reading

Do You Vote the Same as Your Spouse?

As I alluded to in Politics and Marriage, Wayne and I don’t always agree on candidates. However, once in a while we do. The last presidential election was probably the most united we’ve ever been on any vote. Not so much because we were both gung ho for the same candidate as because we were both passionately against the other. In our years together we’ve learned that we both enjoy politics. Not so much volunteering to help with campaigns, but at least analyzing the issues and candidates. Sometimes we have great debates about our respective ideologies. Other times we’re relatively … Continue reading

Electing Leaders

Regardless where we stand on the political party spectrum we are all subject to authorities whether we agree with them or not. In 2008 United States citizens who are registered voters will elect the forty-fourth president of our great nation. We’ve yet to have a perfect leader, but, by the grace of God, we’ve never had a horrific madman leading the country either. People are going to fail us whether they are in high places or in low places. There is only one leader who will never fail us and He is King Jesus. As our focus draws closer and … Continue reading

Military: Review of Week ending November 11

This week ends on the official day we celebrate our Veterans. Many people will also celebrate Monday the 13th, because that’s the day they will have off. Here is a rundown of other topics covered here this week. Since there aren’t a lot of articles this week, one from the last week is also included: John Kerry’s “Joke” No Laughing Matter? The first article was on November 2, following a controversial speech given by John Kerry. Everyone has an opinion on the “botched joke” issued by Kerry. At the end of the article, and in the comments section, you’ll find … Continue reading

Marriage Debates: Ballots Banning Same Sex Marriage

Even though not all the votes have been tallied yet, in every state that had a gay marriage ban on the ballot except for Arizona, those who disagree with redefining marriage are winning. In some cases, they are winning by huge numbers. What is interesting is that so many conservative ballot initiatives won or are winning, yet Democrats took over the House and may still take the Senate. Why would social traditionalists vote liberal? Many people are touting this as a huge victory, despite the ballot measures. I think liberal Democrats should be very careful. This is obviously not a … Continue reading

Are You Opposites… Politically?

I’m curious what it might be like to be a fly on the wall in a politically mixed home during such a hotly contested election as this. The 2006 Midterm Elections will definitely fill news cycles for some time to come. Obviously, spouses want to be respectful of each other’s views and values, but I’m betting things can get kind of interesting on a day like today when the two have diametrically opposed ideologies. I know one couple that is made up of two total clowns who tease each other mercilessly, although it is in the spirit of fun. They … Continue reading