Make Your Voice Heard on Marriage Debates and More: Vote!

There’s a lot going on this election season, and some voters are finding themselves confused. In fact, that may be the whole idea in some cases. When ballot initiatives are written in legalese and doublespeak, it should probably send up a red flag. If a referendum or ballot initiative is a good thing, why hide the true meaning in unclear language? Why not use plain language, so every voter knows exactly what it means? Too often, the title, description, or first few paragraphs sound good, but the “meat” of the proposal is hidden within definitions as used in a particular … Continue reading

Marriage Debates: Today is Election Day

Today is one of those days that will go down in the history books. Forget about the candidates who are running for office. Forget about the fact that there is a great deal riding on whether the House and the Senate will be controlled by the Democrats or the Republicans. But this mid-term election is about more than Governor, Senate and House races, but about the multitude of hot-button topics and measures that will be voted on from illegal immigration to affirmative action to abortion to gay marriage. There are a total of 205 measures being voted on 37 different … Continue reading

Home and Family: Get out and Vote

Did you vote yet? Will you vote today? Since it looked like my husband would be out of town with work today, he and I voted early. While voting is a right, it is also a duty, in my opinion. People have died to protect this right, so we owe to them to get out and vote, to make our voices heard, to play a role in how we are governed. November 7, 2006, may be a turning point on many issues in this country, so make sure you have your say in these matters. Your vote does count, as … Continue reading

Election Day May Spell Sweeping Changes to The Insurance Industry

The jobs of more than half of state insurance commissioners around the country could be on the line tomorrow. The results of the 2006 midterm elections is definitely going to have an impact on the insurance industry. The emerging winners from as many as 30 different state elections for governor, insurance commissioner, congressional seats and attorney general spots may result in big changes of state insurance commissioners either because they are directly elected or because appointments are controlled or influenced by the governor. The greatest change may be in the Midwest states. It is safe to assume that not all … Continue reading

Popular Actor’s Controversial Appearance In Political Ads

I think I have seen actor Michael J. Fox on TV more in the last day or so than I did when he appeared on “Family Ties” (the NBC sitcom that made him famous). Chock it up to Election Day and the fact that the award-winning actor has been tapped to appear in a slew of 30-second TV ads (airing on television and on the Internet) for five Democrats who support stem cell research, including Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle (I live in Wisconsin and the governor’s race is a hotly contested battle). Ironically, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that all … Continue reading

Clown For Mayor

Election Day (in the United States) is less than a month away. I’m sure you have seen and heard the countless political ads currently being broadcast non-stop on TV and the radio. Perhaps, you have been following your local races, perhaps not. But, in Alameda, California just about everyone is following the race for City Hall’s top spot. It’s hard not to considering a real clown is running for mayor there… and rumor has it even his sister won’t vote for him. According to news reports, Kenneth Kahn, a professional joker known as “Kenny the Clown,” admits he’s running a … Continue reading