MTV Makes Money on Election 2008

Ordinarily, the information in that title would not be headline material, but this year MTV is trying something different than it has in recent years—-it’s actually looking to profit from a presidential campaign. For the first time in more than a decade the popular music network is selling time for political spots this election season. It’s a practice that is all but routine for other networks, but MTV hasn’t taken political advertising since its “Choose or Lose” political activism campaign in 1992, according to MTV execs. “Given where we are and how the young voters have become increasingly engaged, we … Continue reading

Now is the Time to Teach Your Homeschoolers About Politics

There could not be a better time during a presidential election to teach homeschoolers about politics and the elections process. It is just so easy to take advantage of this ginormous teaching opportunity presented during a presidential elections season. This also makes a great summer project since many kids are taking a break from their regular studies. So far, during the elections process, my kids have learned about the nomination process as we have followed the nomination process of the presidential candidates. They now understand delegates and superdelegtes, and even argue as to why the process needs overhauling. When they … Continue reading

What to Do With Post Election Frustrations

It can be discouraging to vote and find out what you were supporting did not come to be. Even as we pray for God’s will to be done and the outcome appears so much different, it’s important we keep our chin up and not lose heart. God has given us free will—all of us. Looking now at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis chapter 18-19, I read that Abraham asked God not to destroy the city if he could find any within that were righteous. He went from requesting God spare the city on the account of 50 … Continue reading