Make Sure to Plan for Emergencies

As single parents, we can get so wrapped up in just keeping all the balls we’re juggling in the air—caring for our child, work, household responsibilities—planning for emergencies can fall through the cracks. Sometimes, every day life can feel like such a crisis, it’s hard to imagine there could be “more” of an emergency out there! It is doubly important for single parents to make sure they have back-up and emergency contacts—just in case… Your child’s school, day care, or any place that he or she goes to play or “hang out” after school should have the emergency information. Who … Continue reading

Is This Really Urgent?

Yesterday, I received two separate e-mails in my inbox that had the word “Urgent” in the subject line. Neither were spam and both were work-related. Needless to say, I dug right in and responded immediately—both by telephone and e-mail. Well, it is over 24 hours later and I have not heard back from either of the urgent senders…so it leaves me wondering, what really constitutes a work or business emergency and how excited should I get? Time sensitive things and deadlines might be considered urgent, but it probably depends on the type of work a person does. I am not … Continue reading

Single Parents and Emergencies Two

As I said before, single parents aren’t immune to emergencies. Apparently, every spring, someone sets fire to the field across the street from our new house. We didn’t know that when we bought our house, and though it wouldn’t have changed our minds, at least we would have been forewarned. A couple of weeks ago, my brother needed a ride to work, but I told him he needed to wait while I threw in a load of laundry. When we stepped out the back door, we both immediately smelled smoke, if I wouldn’t have thrown in that load, we wouldn’t … Continue reading

Planning for Your Business in Case of Emergency–Part Two, Family Emergencies

Having written about how planning and preparedness can benefit the home business owner, I wanted to talk about other, more common, types of emergencies–illness, injury, family changes and other family emergencies. When you work from home and someone is sick or injured, or there is a death or terminal illness, these realities can have a direct impact on a home business. One of the great things about working from home and being your own boss, is the flexibility to care for family and friends (not to mention yourself) when the need arises. If someone gets sick or injured, or if … Continue reading

Planning for Your Business in Case of Emergency–Part One, Natural Disasters

Unexpected things happen–fires, floods, tornadoes. Or a shift in your family or personal life can have a very direct effect on your home business. It helps if you have a contingency plan and are prepared in case an emergency presents itself. While this won’t always be possible or probable. Thinking through what you might do in case of an emergency can help you feel better prepared. One of the realities of running a home-based business is that if there is a house or home emergency, both your family life and your livelihood can be affected. Whereas, if you work outside … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Priorities and Preparedness

When we study the principle of self-reliance, we tend to think of it as a worldly law. And yet, the scriptures clearly tell us that Heavenly Father has never given a law that is temporal; all commandments are spiritual in nature (see D&C 29:34). How, then, is a law regarding our worldly state spiritual? President Kimball clearly states that “the highest achievement of spirituality comes as we conquer the flesh.” As we overcome our earthly bodies and worldly desires, we grow to be more spiritual beings. We generally think of this when we consider overcoming habits, but it applies to … Continue reading

Single Parents and Emergencies

On April 1st, 2007 we were visiting my sister in southern Minnesota, when I received a call from another one of my sisters who lives in Western Wisconsin. It was the call that every family dreads. My niece was stuck by a drunk driver in an SUV while she was walking to visit a friend. My blood ran cold, and I immediately became sick to my stomach. As I state in my profile, family is very important to me, but that doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel for Tiffany and her brothers and sister. I was their nanny … Continue reading

Free 911 Kids’ T-shirt

Have you ever dialed 911? If you’ve dialed it on your cell phone, it’s a little confusing. It locks out all other calls. That can be a good thing, but not if you’ve just called your husband, gotten disconnected, then called 911 right away! The last time I called, it was for a van in front of me whose horn kept going off while they were driving. Duh. I didn’t realize that was a car alarm and the van was stolen. I just figured it was someone having trouble with their horn. The first time I ever called 911 was … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Register for a CPR Course

It only takes a few minutes to register, a couple hours out of your week and usually less than $50.00 out of your pocket. It’s definitely worth both the time and monetary costs. You can take the courses at your home with family and friends, with a group from your community or on your computer. It’s important to learn a little bit about how to save a life and what to do in an emergency. Statistics tell us that 80% of all heart attacks will happen in the person’s own home. So the number one reason for knowing CPR (cardiopulmonary … Continue reading

For Women Only- Signs of a Heart Attack

Did your mother ever use the phrase “I am just sick and tired” on you when you were growing up? Mine did. She was sick and tired of my antics quite a bit. Sadly, this same phrase may also be the only signs a woman experiences when she is having a heart attack. Most sources that talk about warning signs for a heart attack base their symptoms on those of a male patient. Women are not the same as men. Yes, sometimes we really do need science to point out the obvious. Here are the hard facts of the matter. … Continue reading