Toddlers and the News

Today, a terrible thing happened in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and the community who are affected by the school shooting. Their loss is being felt around the world. Unfortunately, there seems to be no shortage of terrible things happening lately. Even in a home where there is no television outside of DVDs and PBS, I am always aware of the horrifying things that are going on in the world thanks to Facebook and email. As an adult, I do not mind being exposed to news, even news of tragedies, because it is important to be … Continue reading

Are You Emotionally Ready to Start Your Own Business?

 We all know that a business plan is essential for starting a home – based business. There are other things, though, that are just as essential to home based business success that get mentioned far less often. One of these things is emotional readiness. Starting a home – based business is a leap of faith, and whether you are employed at a job and planning to leave in order to start your own business or currently unemployed and about to invest what little savings you have into working from home, it can be scary to take the plunge. Fortunately, just … Continue reading

Anger Isn’t License for Disrespect

Emotion is a good thing and inevitable. But, when the tempers flare and fly in the family scene, it isn’t a license for disrespect or bad behavior—either from parents or children. Learning how to face emotions, say and do what one needs to, but remain civil and respectful can take some focus—especially if you were not raised in a world where that is how things were done. Sure, we all lose our tempers. Parents aren’t immune to getting frustrated and losing perspective. But, it isn’t an excuse and it does not give us license to say and do disrespectful things … Continue reading

A Little Vulnerability Can Be Good For Your Business

I have learned over the years that while toughness can be a good thing, and there is definitely a time and place in the world of business for a steely disposition, vulnerability can be good too. I’m not talking about the crying at business meetings that I wrote about a few days ago, but really more about being ourselves and showing a genuine, tender side. This is how relationships are built. Think back over your own relationships with bosses, coworkers, and colleagues–chances are the ones you came to trust the most, enjoy working with, and the ones with whom you … Continue reading

Waiting For the Day When I Won’t Worry So Much

I am a worrier. I think I was a worrier before I became a mom, but I definitely know that motherhood has fueled and inspired my ability to worry and I have taken it to great heights and proportions. I keep hoping that the older my kids get, the less I will worry. And, while I’ve developed some coping mechanisms for living with the worry and concern, I’m finding that the further they go out into the world, the more I actually DO worry about them! I was talking with a friend recently who has small, preschool-age children and she … Continue reading

Balancing Heart and Head

I refuse to buy into the belief that successful business people are always practical and always let themselves be guided by their head and NOT their heart. In fact, I think that while realism is a good thing in the business world, not to mention necessary—I definitely think there is a place for some heart and emotion in any business. Like all things in life, of course, it comes down to balance. Too much of anything can’t be good—isn’t that how the saying goes? Too much realism and emotionless business dealing can make a person cold-hearted and turn off customers … Continue reading