Your Baby and Emotional & Social Milestones

This is a check list of milestones for social and emotional behavior. It is a guideline. It is NOT the be all and end all to what your baby should be doing. I see many moms, especially new ones, rush to the doctor as soon as their child has missed something a chart says they should be doing. Childhood development is not an exact science. If little junior doesn’t hit a couple markers it’s probably not a big deal. In fact four of my five children have missed a few markers by months. Interestingly, they’ve hit a few markers a … Continue reading

The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind Part III: Social Intellect

If you’ve been following, you now know that babies are not a blank slate but rather give indication of complex emotional feelings as early as 10 weeks. Jealousy, empathy are just some of the range of emotions that researchers have been studying. The hope is that by detecting anomalies earlier, pediatricians can recommend intervention earlier if needed. If this all seems a bit “unscientific” well, it’s not. Researchers have been studying for decades babies responses to stimuli and have been able to identify several predictable baby behaviors. So what’s next? Surprise, surprise, your baby is a social animal! Well, okay, … Continue reading