Representative Joe Heck Will Accept His Health Insurance

Joe Heck, a Republican Representative from Nevada, has decided to sign onto the Congressional health plan offered to him by the Federal government. He is one of the candidates who was elected after campaigning on repealing the health care bill. His decision to accept the health care plan offered to him through his job is a controversial one. Some Representatives have been in the news lately after announcing that they would be declining the same health insurance that Representative Joe Heck is choosing to accept. Representative Joe Walsh and Representative Bill Johnson are among the Representatives who are not going … Continue reading

Still More Résumé Tips

Consider your résumé as a major tool in your box of “job tricks.” There are many aspects to preparing a résumé that will help to get you the job you want. What is the best and quickest way to handle difficult job titles and company descriptions? What about questions you might not want to answer or at least avoid? (The last time someone asked me my age, I replied: “Somewhere between forty and death.”) This may work sometimes, but not on a résumé. Besides, George Burns is dead. Help is on the way. Parentheses help a great deal in setting … Continue reading

Résumé Format: Is There a Right Way?

The answer is yes; there is a right way to present the information on your résumé. For all of the elements listed, one of the most important is where the dates are placed. It used to be more or less common practice to place them on the left side of the résumé. Since the number of jobs the average person is likely to have has increased over the years, there might be many dates, and such an arrangement is sure to attract the reader’s eye. The problem with this is that by setting up the dates in that fashion, they … Continue reading

How Long Should Your Résumé Be?

The important thing about any résumé if it is to do its job is to capture the attention of a prospective employer in an understated way. It also must be easy to read as lines of type that go across the page from one margin to the other, for example, are very difficult to read. Use bullets to denote your accomplishments, as they will effectively break up the text. Deciding on length may not appear easy, but a rule of thumb which will never lead you astray states that your résumé should be as long as it needs to be. … Continue reading

Your Résumé: Some General Thoughts

Whatever you may think of your résumé, its goal is to make you look necessary to a potential employer. How do you do that, you may scream. Well, here are some thoughts on the matter. Make your résumé look different from the multitude of others that will cross a potential employer’s desk. Don’t go too far by being inappropriate, like printing your job history on yellow or orange neon paper, for example. Do, however, consider emphasizing those skills that an employer might be most interested in, even if there is no position immediately available. Your résumé serves as your market … Continue reading