Self-Esteem and The Job Search

I once heard about a sign on a church door that read: “Self-Esteem Group Meets Thursday Night. Use Back Door.” If this seems to represent a self-fulfilling prophesy, that’s because it does. The philosopher, René Descartes, was partially right when he said, “I think, therefore I am.” He just needed to amend it a bit for modern consumption so that it reads: “I think I can’t and so I can’t.” Self-esteem is a valued possession even when you are not looking for a job and that’s because it is not easy to come by. Women seem to have more of … Continue reading

Diversity In the Work Place: Meaning What?

It is a well-known fact that in the dynamic world of today, companies fare better when they embrace a pro diversity employment agenda that is specifically, employing workers from all different age and ethnic groups. Although there is not one specific reason for this, it is the kind of fact that reeks of the expression, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Despite some critics, diversity has become so very successful that many corporations are implementing policies that will attract workers of all ages and backgrounds, many of which (language training, etc.) are geared specifically to a foreign workforce. Many … Continue reading

What is The Glass Cliff Phenomenon?

For those of you out there who might think this concerns that sweet gal with the golden slipper of that fairy tale of old, I assure you it doesn’t. The glass cliff is a modern phenomenon that affects the working world and particularly the women trying to make their way through it in the most negative of ways. Identified in a recent English study conducted by two professors at Exeter University, the glass cliff phenomenon is a situation that occurs whenever companies appoint women to higher management only after suffering severe reverses, almost insuring a precarious position for the woman … Continue reading