The Importance of Encouragement

It was really brought home to me once again recently the absolute importance of encouragement. Yes, I know I sound like a broken record (showing my age there!) but I after experiencing quite the opposite recently, I felt very deflated. No, it wasn’t Mick but a friend. By the time I’d been on the receiving end of a string of negative comments, I ended up wondering why I had bothered. Beth has covered this topic before in regard to toxic friends who undermine and leave you feeling bad about yourself. The thing is, I’m not sure the person even realized … Continue reading

17 Ways to Brighten Your Spouse’s Day

It’s the little things that brighten our day, like the person who rings just to check how you are because they haven’t seen you for a while. Like the friend who rings to cheer you on and encourage you when you’re feeling down after bad news. It’s the little things in marriage that are important too. What things? Here’s a check list of little ways you can encourage your spouse and let them know you love them. See how many you can add to your marriage this week. 1. Encourage your spouse when they take on something new. 2. You … Continue reading