How to Make Your Marriage the Exception to the Rule

Michele commented yesterday that it’s a shame lasting love these days is seen as the exception rather than the rule. I agree. But when it does exist, other people notice. A young woman, who had not had the most positive examples of marriage and relationships in her own life, so far commented recently to her friend and her husband about how ‘they always looked out for each other.’ You see, when people look out for their spouse it shows. That means being aware of the things that are going on in your spouse’s life and not being so self absorbed … Continue reading

We Share Our Belief System Through Praise and Discipline

Values and beliefs are not just taught through lectures and organized lessons. In fact, I would argue that is one of the least effective ways to teach our children what we value and believe in as parents. We pass along our belief systems through the things we praise and encourage and the boundaries we set and the type of discipline we choose to use (and what we discipline our children for.) Do you value winning? Participation? Getting along with other? Academics? Risk-taking? Physical strength? Chances are your child can tell you what is important to you based on the things … Continue reading