Simple Tips to Help Maintain a Healthy Marriage

Today we’re going to look at some simple tips to maintain a healthy marriage. When you receive good news who is the first person you want to share it with? Is it your spouse? When an early morning phone call this week told me that I had been awarded second prize in a poetry competition, I couldn’t wait to get off the phone and tell Mick. He is always my first thought when I receive good news, because I know he will respond in an appropriate way and he did. His encouraging words left me feeling I was the cleverest … Continue reading

The Right Words

‘A friend understands what you’re trying to say … even when your thoughts aren’t fitting into words,’ says Ann D Parrish. While that may be true at times, we shouldn’t expect our friend to always be able to do this. Certainly we shouldn’t expect our spouse to always know what we’re thinking or feeling. Words are given to us for a reason. So we can use them. If you’re not happy about something your spouse is doing, if your marriage seems to have hit a bit of a brick wall, if your relationship has stalled, then don’t just expect your … Continue reading

Is Your Marriage Being Overrun by Weeds?

Are there weeds in your marriage? Weeds that you really know you should do something about but which are, or have been, allowed to grow and spread? They can look attractive at first, but later turn out to be destructive. In our garden we have what I consider a pretty vine that gets amazing blue flowers. Mick’s attitude to it is very different and with good reason. When I look at the vine all I see it’s the vibrant blue of the flower. The problem is let go the vine takes over and tends to run riot, choking everything else. … Continue reading

Detoxing Your Marriage

The other night, I watched Joel Osteen. He was talking about toxic thoughts. As he was speaking about the importance of detoxing your thoughts, something he said really struck me. Toxic Thoughts He was explaining how damaging bad thoughts can be. How they shut you down, stifle you, keep you stuck, and prevent you from living up to your full potential. Because bad thoughts are toxic ones and toxins build up over time, contaminating your mind, body, soul, and life. But by detoxing your thoughts, you can live a happier and more positive life and therefore a better one. But … Continue reading