Fitness Journal – Pushing the Envelope

Today’s workout was more necessary than I thought it would be. It began with my morning stretch and treadmill stroll for 30 minutes at 2.8. I had to get out of the house early and I had to get a series of errands done. I did my bare minimum workout in an effort to make sure that it was done before I headed out to go shopping and more. By the time I was done and back home with my daughter it was after 3 in the afternoon. I put her down for a nap and then went to check … Continue reading

What is My Target Heart Rate?

When it comes to our Spring Forward to Action challenge that is starting this weekend, you’re going to need to know what your target heart rate is. Understanding the target heart rate and how to determine it will help you with your exercise program, especially the cardio portions of it. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, your target heart rate zone is between 65% and 90% of your maximum heart rate. To calculate your target heart rate, then you need to follow these steps: Estimate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220 or have it … Continue reading