RS/EQ: Casually But Not Devoutly

The final section in next Sunday’s Priesthood and Relief Society lesson deals with exaltation. After detailing the difference between immortality and eternal life, after describing the different degrees of glory and how they may be obtained, the quotes center on achieving exaltation. In short, they turn on the old ‘faith versus works’ argument. One of the things that greatly impressed me when I investigated the church was the direction the gospel takes that argument. To quote James in James 2:18, “I will shew thee my faith BY my works” (emphasis added). That is, once we have faith, we will prove … Continue reading

Enduring to the End . . . Just how far away is that?

Many times, as people get on in years, they begin to wonder and worry a little more about that “enduring to the end” thing. Why? Because the body and mind can start to slow down and it’s not as easy to be as active as you’d like. So what all is involved in enduring to the end? Well, breathing is always a good place start. Okay, sorry, my last blog has apparently affected my brain. Who knew it was contagious? Okay, seriously – enduring to the end is not as complicated as one might think. There are different responsibilities for … Continue reading