Are You Raising an Entitled Child?

It’s no secret that kids today have more than ever before. The majority of the elementary school classrooms I walk into have children with much nicer phones than I have. They also have ipods and all sorts of other things we didn’t have as children. They have no concept of the value of a dollar because things simply get handed to them without any expectation. As a parent we want to provide our children with as much as we can, but we also want to teach them the value of hard work. If you feel that your child may be … Continue reading

Speak with Authority

I know that not a one of us knows everything, and when it comes to parenting, we are especially not the big know-it-alls we might wish we were. But, when it comes to motivating and directing our children (as well as advocating for our children with others), we need to speak with authority whenever we can. Hemming, hawing and being undecided only invites others to question whether we know what we’re talking about or whether we mean what we say. It is not unusual for even the best parents to feel insecure. After all, most of us are steering without … Continue reading

Attitudes of Entitlement are a Trigger for Me

I’ve written before about how important it can be to identify and understand what our triggers are as single parents so that we can learn how to cope and react appropriately. In the past year or so, I have learned that when individuals—whether it is kids, people in my work, or just individuals I interact with in the grocery store—have an attitude of entitlement or want special accommodations or special treatment, it is a real trigger for me! No matter how relaxed and open-minded I try to be, for some reason, my single parent hackles get raised when people start … Continue reading

Birth Family and Entitlement in State Adoptions

I just wanted to touch on some thoughts I had relating to birth family, entitlement and communication. These are mostly things I wanted to get off my chest, but I hope someone who needs to hear them will have a better understanding of one adoptive mother’s perspective anyway. Allowing Contact with Birth Family Most parents I know would agree there is often a sense of loyalty within family—even within birth family. Whether or not this is true in any specific case, it’s because of this many adoptive parents are leery to allow much contact—if any, fearing some information, out of … Continue reading