How Long Has it Been Since You Examined Your Home Environment?

Have you ever been in one of those houses (maybe it is the house you grew up in) that seem to be stuck in a time warp. The carpeting hasn’t been updated, the photos are thirty years old, and the colors and furniture look obviously and sorely dated. Even if you think your home environment is hip and well-decorated, there are other ways the environment can get stale and not change as the family that lives within the environment changes and grows and develops. How long has it been since you looked over your home environment to see if it … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: September 3 – 9

Another week has gone by and this has been Mary Ann’s first official week in the Home Blog. She’s written some great articles and I’m looking forward to more of them. Monday Organizing The Garage: Day 1, Part 1 Mary Ann gives her first hand experience with the “Clean Sweep” routine as she and her family tackle organizing the garage. Don’t miss part 2! Prepare your Yard for Autumn and beyond Tips for treating your yard, fall flowers, reseeding grass, how to treat your garden at the end of the season to help prepare it for next season, and other … Continue reading

Two More Painless Ways to Protect the Environment

If the effort is painless, why not do our part, right? What if it’s even better than painless? What if these tips could make life even easier, and at the same time be good for the environment? They do both. That’s why they are two of the favorite tips I’ve found: conduct as much correspondence online as possible instead of through [paper] mail, and curb the flow of all that [paper] junk mail. Computer Correspondence You can pay bills and receive your monthly statements online, as well as asking questions about products or looking for coupons, rebates, etc. You might … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: More Painless Ways to do Our Part

Sometimes, we hardly have enough time in a day for the barest necessities. Maybe we don’t feel that we have time for extra projects. Then there are those who think the whole “green” thing is over the top, so they don’t want to go out of their way with the environmental stuff. Good news! Either way, the following options are not only painless, but some of them will even save us time and money while doing something good for the environment. It’s all good. Just Say No to Bottled Water First, it costs too much, in my opinion; it’s water. … Continue reading

More on Houseplants that Help Improve Air Quality

Continuing where we left off yesterday, in Another Way to Go Green: Houseplants for Air Purification, I’d like to share more on houseplants that can help clean the air in our homes. As we learn more about the potential dangers of substances like formaldehyde, benzene, and other problematic gas such as carbon monoxide, we’re also learning that bringing in houseplants is a simple way to help purify the air and protect against these hazards. Some of these plants are quite common, so they’re readily available to us. Many are easy to care for as well. Here are some of the … Continue reading

Another Way to Go Green: Houseplants for Air Purification

We know that plants are good for many things, from providing food in the form of fruits, vegetables, and grains, to offering medicinal qualities, such as those found in the Aloe Vera plant. Plants also make great accessories, giving spaces throughout the home more life. However, plants deserve a lot more credit. They have some tremendous properties that can help make your home and your family healthier. We are aware that plants can absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, but I for one hadn’t given this important issue as much thought as I should have. Then, I learned … Continue reading

Good For You, Good For The Earth

Want an extra feel-good boost for your workout? You can make choices that are beneficial for your community and the entire world! Do you know how many plastic water bottles get thrown out every day? Eighty million. That’s a LOT of water bottles — I have a hard time imagining eight hundred or eight thousand bottles… let alone 80 million! Rather than tossing your water bottle, stick it into a recycling bin. Better yet, reuse it yourself! You’ll save money and keep the bottles out of the trash. Skip the plastic water bottles entirely and switch to a refillable aluminum … Continue reading

Why Home Businesses Are Good for the Environment

I read an article this morning in my newspaper stating that the number one thing people can do to help combat global warming is to drive less. I immediately thought of how those of us who work from home–whether running a home-based business or telecommuting–are definitely doing our part to help the environment! Minimizing travel and commuting, as well as energy and fuel costs, is one of the main ways that a home-based business can be good for the environment in the short and long term. Who knew? Unless our business involve a great deal of driving and delivery, we … Continue reading

Teens Hug Trees and The Web

How can we get kids to be more involved with saving the environment? Perhaps all we need to do is give them a computer and access to the Internet. At least that is what one recent study might suggest. Research firm JupiterReserarch just released their results of a study yesterday that shows a link between teenagers who are concerned with the environment, known as “green teens,” and Internet activity. The study tracked the common activities of teenagers, finding that the green teens, when compared tot he average teenager are more engaged in listening to music online, chat online, post a … Continue reading

Conserving Natural Resources at Home: Saving Water

Part of being environmentally conscious includes saving natural resources and each of us can do our part in our own homes. One important aspect of conserving resources is saving water by finding ways to avoid waste. One simple method was described in a previous article on environmentally friendly tips. Collecting rain water for watering plants, flowers, gardens, and lawns is a good first step. Another good way to avoid wasting water is to capture water when you turn on the faucet and let it run until it gets hot. Between half a gallon and up to several gallons of water … Continue reading