Don’t Hate the Joneses

Do you know the Joneses, or the Smiths or Insert Family Name here? They are that family or that couple that always seems so perfect. The one where the wife is always tan and polished, the husband is handsome and attentive and the children are always winning all of the awards in school or sports. But beware of the Joneses. They could just ruin your marriage, even if they aren’t aware of it themselves. Sometimes when we look at other couples, a little bit of envy starts to sneak in. We may wonder why it is that they are the … Continue reading

Jealousy and Its Close Relatives

Jealousy is an extremely destructive emotion that often leads to other sins. The Bible recounts a number of incidents of jealousy. Here are a few from the Old Testament. Rachel was jealous of Leah because her sister had children by Jacob and she did not, Genesis 30:1. Joseph’s brothers were jealous because Joseph was the favored son of his father, Genesis 37:11. Saul was jealous of David for the praise and popularity he had with the people, 1 Samuel 18:7-9, 16. David’s prosperity because God was with him and not Saul, 1 Samuel 18:14-15 provided another reason for Saul’s jealousy, … Continue reading

Getting Jealous of Those without Businesses

Most of the time, there are so many things that I like about working on my own in my home business—so much so that I have written several blogs about all the great things about the home business. There are days and times, however, when I cannot help but envy those friends who work the more traditional jobs—mostly I envy their free weekends, paid vacation and benefits—but I do occasionally get a bit jealous of those who do NOT have businesses. There is no denying that owning a business means a lot of work. It also tends to mean long … Continue reading

Jealousy and the Single Parent

Oh jealousy…that little green monster that can do so much damage! As a single parent, we might have more than our fair share of opportunities to wrestle with jealousy—and when we give into jealousy, it seldom turns out well! We might be jealous of our ex, or our child’s other parent; we might feel jealous of friends or family members who seem to have it better than us; an ex’s new partner; a coworker or the neighbor across the street. There are ample ordinary life situations that might be exacerbated by the fact that we have been through the crisis … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Jealousy is Not a Positive Sign in a Relationship

When we think of someone getting jealous, we think that it means they must really care about us. Jealousy is not a positive sign in a relationship though because jealousy is a very negative emotion. The idea that you can test someone’s love for you by flirting with another person and that how your spouse reacts is an indicator of their love is not only faulty, it’s dangerous. Jealousy has its roots low self-esteem and fear. People are more likely to be jealous when they don’t believe they are lovable or that they are not worthy of being loved. They … Continue reading