Stable to Trail – What You Need to Know (Part I)

Your son or daughter wants to take riding lessons. You don’t mind the idea; but what do you need to know to help them achieve the stable to trail dream? First and foremost, you need a good riding stable to take lessons at. A riding stable should put the needs of their animals ahead of profit. You want to see horses in good condition, with shiny coats and lively eyes. You also want a riding instructor with knowledge of children and the patience to work with them. Kids need a special touch, especially when dealing with a thousand pound animal. … Continue reading


If you build it, they will come. This is true for a baseball field in Field of Dreams and true for the farm where you build your horse business. One of the hardest lessons you learn in the business of raising horses is that you are raising more than horses. You’re raising the roof on a barn or a run in shed, you’re raising grass and you’re raising more weeds than you can name readily. From a worker’s standpoint, that means you wear almost as many hats as you do when you are raising children. But in essence, that’s what … Continue reading