Does Your Child Hate the Doctor’s Office?

I once got into trouble with my mom for falling asleep in the waiting room at the allergist’s office. In my defense, I had been at a sleepover the night before — and despite the clever name, had barely slept. The wait seemed endless, and I nodded over my waiting room magazine. Mom kept nudging me awake, telling me to pay attention, and letting me know how rude and disrespectful it was to snooze in the waiting room. As far as waiting room mischief goes, I still maintain that sleeping in my chair was not the worst crime possible. But … Continue reading

American Eskimo Dog

The American Eskimo dog is a Nordic breed that shares ancestry with the Keeshond, the Pomeranian, and various Spitzes. Until 1917, it was called the American Spitz; these days, you can call it the Eskie. Why the name change from American Spitz to American Eskimo dog? Experts aren’t really sure. Some believe that the name “Eskimo” was included to emphasize the dog’s cold-weather origins. “Spitz” doesn’t quite evoke the same image of thickly-furred dogs. The breed rose to popularity during the 19th century, when the small white dogs were used in circus acts. The Eskie excelled at performing thanks to … Continue reading

Cut Down Wait Times at the Doctor’s Office

If it feels like you spend the whole day waiting when you’ve got a doctor’s appointment, you’re not alone. In a fast-paced world, it can be hard to sit back and wait — especially when your health is concerned. Here are some tips that can help cut down on your wait times when you have a doctor’s appointment. Be prepared beforehand. Have your medical history (it may be easier to have your history written out before you go), copies of test results and discharge information from other doctors, and a current medication list. Bringing x-rays and other test results can … Continue reading