Triathlon or Bust 9: Chocolate Milk and Jelly Beans

Over the last few years I’ve watched my road biker husband drink all sorts of weird, powdered concoctions in the name of “recovery.” I called them his performance-enhancing drugs, which isn’t that funny given all the recent scandals about doping in professional bike racing. But my point was, what’s wrong with regular food to meet even a competitive athlete’s needs? After realizing the importance of proper nutrition after starting my triathlon training, and how difficult it was to get it right, I was on the verge of giving in and trying one of the yucky-looking protein shakes. Then I read … Continue reading

Fitness Struggles for the Mentall Ill Person

Exercise is hard. In fact, not exercising may be one of the all-time hardest habits to break, surpassing even smoking. Studies confirm what we already know: despite all the cheerleading health advice out there, Americans simply aren’t getting enough exercise. And for people who suffer from mental illness, particularly depression and the depressive episodes of bi-polar disorder, there are additional obstacles thrown in the way. Lack of motivation, for one. When your mood is low and it’s hard to get out of bed even to accomplish simple everyday tasks, “I just don’t feel like it” takes on a whole new … Continue reading

Don’t Be a Slouch

Do you remember your mother telling you to sit up straight? Do you remember when she said for you to stop slouching? My mother was always after me and I had absolutely retched posture. You’d think years of dancing and working out would have made a difference, nope, I slouched like a 90-year-old woman with a bent spine. Want to know how badly I slouched? A year and a half ago, proper posture was added to my workout and I gained almost a quarter of an inch in height. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over that. But … Continue reading