A Toddler’s Perspective on Christmas

For parents of toddlers, the holidays can be a wonderful time as well as a hectic and stressful one. We all try to do so many things, and sometimes we forget to enjoy ourselves and our children amidst all of the busyness. I know that I have done that from time to time. This year, I am really focusing on how my little guys might perceive all that is going on around them. Dylan is full of questions, and I am sure that even though Blake cannot yet verbalize what he is thinking, he is filled with wonder. I would like … Continue reading

The End of Daycare

This week my son had the most important unofficial graduation of his life. He “graduated” from daycare. You might remember our hesitation about placing our son in daycare months ago. Despite our overall positive experience with the daycare itself and the daycare providers we are certainly overjoyed to have finally reached the summer months and reconnect with our sons weekday activities in the comforts of home. While my wife was in a meeting this past week I took our nearly-out-of-daycare son to a nearby park and places his little body on the teeter-totter. He instinctively grabbed onto the little bars … Continue reading

What Excites You About Your Home Business?

Want to stay motivated? Then, it helps to tap into the elements of your home business that get you excited, turned on, and really get your creative juices flowing! Instead of getting up every morning and focusing on your to-do list and what HAS to be done, remind yourself what it is that really gets you excited and you’ll infuse your home business with positive energy. Are you feeling so bogged down by “have-to-dos” that you cannot figure out what gets you excited? It might help to go back to some of your notes or take an afternoon to try … Continue reading

Excuses, Exercise & Excitement

When you talk about exercise, chances are you think more in terms of excuses than you do in terms of excitement. For example, you’re more likely to say: I’d work out more if I had more time than you are to say: I can’t wait to get on the treadmill and go for three miles – it’s the best time ever Excuses Excuses are a lot easier to come by. We can come up with a dozen excuses for why we don’t do anything. I didn’t do the dishes last night before bed because I was tired. I didn’t do … Continue reading