Benefits of Treadmills and Elliptical Exercisers

Going to the gym is not my thing.  And I always crack up whenever I drive past the clubs with the large windows, where you can see people walking on treadmills. For some reason, sweating seems like something that should be done in private.  But maybe that’s just me. At the same time, I’m not the type of person to fork out a lot of money on gym equipment.  Especially if there is the chance I won’t stick to it.  But a few years ago I made a worthwhile investment when I purchased a treadmill. Notice that I didn’t say … Continue reading

Sitting Can Kill You

Just when you start to feel pretty good about your health, a new study comes along to smash it all to smithereens.  Apparently, exercising isn’t enough if you sit on your bottom for more than six hours a day. After doing some quick calculations I realized this is the case for me.  Like millions of others, I have a desk job.  So I am pretty much forced to sit. Not only are they saying it’s bad for your health.  It could even be killing you! Why?  Our bodies go into shutdown mode when we are sitting.  Doing this for long … Continue reading

Don’t Sabotage Your Efforts

Have you been struggling with keeping your New Year’s resolutions?  There could be things you are doing or not doing that will sabotage all of your efforts, not only in the way of losing motivation but getting injured. Let’s consider some of the ways this can happen.  One way is by jumping too quickly into a fitness routine that your body isn’t ready for. I can’t help but chuckle as my husband and I discussed his ability (or should I say inability) to handle an insanity workout.  We were watching an infomercial and both of us agreed that the movements … Continue reading

Exercise App: Obstacles XRT

Obstacles XRT-Extreme Reality Training Cost:  $1.99 Format:  iPhone, iPad OBSTACLES XRT – EXTREME REALITY TRAINING Transform wherever you are into an extreme obstacle course! Say goodbye to boring sit-ups and jumping jacks. With Obstacles XRT, you’ll be trekking over tires, escaping perilous quicksand, and sneaking under fences. All in your living room – no equipment needed! TRANSFORMATIONAL CARDIO EXPERIENCE: Obstacles XRT’s new-to-world program is a transformational take on traditional cardio.  You are the center of a virtual, in-room obstacle course, in which time flies by. GET AN EXTREME POST-WORKOUT CALORIE BURN: In every obstacle course, Obstacles XRT uses a special … Continue reading

Exercise: It’s Good for the Heart

Most of us have already failed miserably at keeping our New Year’s Resolutions, according to the radio this morning at least 80% of us have given up on them already. This is pretty typical after the first week or two, but even if you’ve struggled with them a little so far, you have a whole year to perfect them so don’t give up hope! This year one of my many resolutions was to start exercising again. I, like most people, put on a few extra pounds during the holidays. When you have kids around there seems to be an endless … Continue reading

Fitness Should Be a Lifestyle Change

We’re just a few days into the New Year.  Are you still feeling the same resolve to make this a healthier year? It’s no secret that gym clubs are swarming in the month of January.  More fruits and vegetables are purchased in January.  Changes are being made across the board. Yet it’s not uncommon for this to start dropping off in February and March.  By April it’s pretty obvious who are going to be the ones most likely to stick it out. While the good intentions are there, it won’t be what keeps you going.  There has to be more … Continue reading

Tips for Beginners

It’s a New Year.  Are you ready to embrace a new you?  It starts with getting off your duff, no matter how tired you are from staying up last night or how stuffed your belly feels from all the goodies you ate. There is always a good reason to not start.  But there are even better reasons for why you should. There is something about immediately starting off the New Year right…taking those first steps (no matter how small) toward your goal of becoming a fitter person.  So even if that means you take a 10 minute walk, something is … Continue reading

Giving Up Before You Have Started

Don’t give up before you have even gotten started!  Those are my words of advice and hope for anyone who has come off the past week of the holidays feeling defeated. You might have done a lot of indulging.  In fact, it could be that you ate enough the past several days that you’re wondering if there is really any hope to becoming a fitter person. In thinking about the New Year, you might be questioning how it can make any real difference.  What’s so magical about the start of a New Year anyway?  How can that change the outer … Continue reading

Should You Exercise When You are Sick?

It is the time of year when colds, sinus infections, flu, and illness spread like wildfire.  Every time I talk to someone or check Facebook, I hear of more people sick.  I have been sick a few times this year already.  My sinuses like to war against me when the weather can’t decide which way it wants to go. I had a terrible sinus infection and I am on the verge of another one.  It is the same story for many plus the flu stories I am hearing.  Makes you want to hold your breath when you go in public. … Continue reading

What To Do When the Weather Outside is Frightful

Welcome to the first official day of winter. Mother Nature didn’t disappoint folks here in the Upper Midwest.  Those who feared we wouldn’t enjoy a white Christmas are likely hitting themselves right now… with snow shovels. We got dumped on overnight; severely smashed by a massive winter storm that came in like an angry warlock. In fact, the conditions were so poor late yesterday children were told to remain indoors.  For parents, cabin fever is no fun to deal with this close to Christmas.  Fortunately, there are ways to keep kids from killing one another when they are forced to … Continue reading