Exercise and Endorphin Release

Did you ever wonder why you feel so incredibly relieved after you have exercised? Sure, there is the feeling of being tired and a little out of breath, but there is also this feeling that you have had a burden lifted off your shoulders, a feeling of content and euphoria. A natural high. That is because that is exactly what it is. When you exercise endorphins, which are compounds that the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce, are released in moments of exercise and excitable moments. They are even released during moments of injury and pain. They are the body’s natural … Continue reading

Sneaking “Me” Time Into Your Day

Many moms wonder how they can sneak a bit of “me” time into their busy day. For me, I find most days to be a juggling act. I cringe when people say that it should be easier for me since I “don’t work”. It’s sad that some people think the life of a writer is all glitz and glamour and we’re sitting around in our pajamas all day, sipping coffee and reading steamy romance novels. Or watching Oprah. Okay, I do work in my pajamas from time to time, but that’s not the point. I probably “work” more hours than … Continue reading

Time to Take Off the Training Wheels?

At what age are most children ready to learn to ride a bike? The age varies and has more to do with balance and coordination than age, itself. Children must be able to coordinate balancing, steering, pedaling and braking all at the same time. Some children can master bike riding without training as young as four years old, others are upwards of 9 years old before they can even begin to master this complex skill set. The average age is about 6 years old. How can parents help teach balance? Many parents rely on training wheels to do what they … Continue reading