Spring Forward to Action Week 3, Day 2: It’s Raining, It’s Pouring

Storm clouds are gathering outside and the gray sky is oppressive. It’s hard to regret the rain during a time when my area desperately needs it. We’ve been in a severe drought since last year and many of our local bodies of water have been significantly decreased. We went weeks and weeks without rain and when we did get rain, it was always in drips and dregs. An Exercise Drought It seems that we as a nation have been in an exercise drought for a lot longer than the last couple of years. We need exercise as regular and as … Continue reading

Don’t Pink Slip Your Workout

I can’t go out walking today, it’s raining. I can’t hit the treadmill today; I have a ton of work to do. I can’t get my strength training in; I need to get all these errands run. I can’t do my yoga because the kids are racing around the house. The truth of the matter is that there’s always a good reason to give our workout a pink slip and there’s an even better one to not. Your body is programmed to handle stress on the muscles. It is programmed to repair muscle damage and strains, to toughen up and … Continue reading