Mother’s Day Fitness: Consider Making Mom Your Workout Partner

I know, it may sound crazy and a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been espousing this particular suggestion. For years, my mother and I were not particularly close. My grandmother had been a fundamentally strong influence in my life and in many ways, she was every bit as much a mother to me. But over the last few years since my grandmother passed away, my mother and I have grown closer. I think my daughter’s existence has contributed to this stronger relationship. Mom as a Workout Partner Anyway, as I was saying before I took off on my verbal … Continue reading

Yoga in Public School

My parents are British and I have spent a lot of time in England over the years. I have British cousins and I have often compared life in Britain to life here in the States. I like large portions of both and while I am indisputably American, I hold a great deal of respect for our British cousins and in my case, ancestry. A recent news piece from England discusses that in schools in the United Kingdom have a plan to introduce yoga and dance classes for their 10 to 11 year olds. The idea is to combat obesity and … Continue reading