Walking Can Reduce Chance of Having a Stroke

Sometimes we need to be reminded of all the benefits found in walking. We know that it’s good for us but sometimes we don’t think about the specific benefits in doing so. One of the dilemmas middle-aged people face is increased weight gain in their middle. If there is one trouble area that I have found in recent years to be my thorn in my side it is my middle. The sad thing is that having a heavier middle also increases your risk for heart problems, including heart attacks. Women especially are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. … Continue reading

Power Weeding – Flexibility and Endurance

Weeding is a lot like eating potato chips, you can’t pull just one. For most gardeners, weeds are a bane. I went to England for a week last month and during the 7 short days that I was gone, the weeds staged a coup on my flower beds. Gardening can be an active workout, just ask most of the most spectacular gardeners in your neighborhood, because caring for it I was out in my yard last evening, pulling weeds for about an hour. I have another hour’s worth of weeding to do today; just as likely I’ll spend some time … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Car Exercises

One of the drawbacks to living in Texas is everything seems so far away. There is not jaunting up to the corner store because the corner store is over a mile and a half from the house. There’s definitely no running down the street for something, because the next closest shop is about two and a half miles. So that means lots and lots and lots of driving around in the car. The great thing about driving around in the car is that there are gl you can do that help firm your abdomen and buttocks. First and foremost, check … Continue reading

Fitness & Your Personal Choices

Your sense of personal choice has more to do with your exercise and fitness program than any other thing. Why, you might ask? Simply put, because fitness is a choice that we make. You can read all the studies and reports in the world that advise you to exercise. You can listen to your doctor tell you that you need to exercise and you can listen to your friends, your family and even me tell you how fun it can be, how great it could be and every other story on the planet. But. Yes, you knew there was a … Continue reading

Be the Role Model For Your Kids

Do you know what it means to be a healthy role model? Have you ever asked yourself what qualities your role models possess? Do you believe that values and actions are what you admire most about your role models or is it something else? The simple truth is – to be a good role model, you shouldn’t be critical or judgmental of the people around you. Instead, you demonstrate and live your beliefs so that others can see and appreciate them. Specifically, when we’re talking about our kids – it’s important to demonstrate making healthy choices – if you eat … Continue reading

How Do I Know If I Am Exercising Too Much?

I asked earlier: Have You Ever Heard of an Exercise Disorder? After writing it, it occurred to me that we could go into more detail on how you could know if you are exercising too much. Doctor Fassihi of the Menninger Clinic offers the following important clues that may help you answer the question: How Do I Know If I am Exercising Too Much? You cannot miss your workout, it doesn’t matter how you feel or what’s going on – you absolutely cannot miss it and if some act of Congress prevents you from doing your workout – the guilt … Continue reading

Why Aren’t You Exercising?

Tell me, do you exercise? Physically that is? We can all exercise our good judgment and our bad judgment. We can stretch our reason and we can outrun our obligations if we try. But my question is why aren’t you exercising? Do you have a solid, medical reason to not exercise? If you need a few moments, I can wait. The truth is, no matter how great our excuses are, unless we are physically impaired or disabled, we don’t have a good answer for why we aren’t exercising. Now before you think I am pointing fingers at anyone, I am … Continue reading

Outdoor Play – You remember what play is?

Too often as adults we forget about the simple joys. We forget what it’s like to just go out and play. When was the last time you went down a slide? What about ride on some swings? Have you pushed a merry go round to get it up to speed and just hopped on to laugh? Have you thrown the ball around, and laughed? Have you thrown a Frisbee for the dog or picked up a rock to skip stones across the calm pond? Have you jumped on your bike and taken a long ride along a winding trail and … Continue reading