Are You Feeling Exhausted?

Do you ever have days or nights when you feel absolutely and completely physically and mentally exhausted? If you do, do you wonder how a person so small could cause an adult to become so exhausted? You are not alone. At least one other person (me) experiences this, from time to time. As much as it may seem that the nature of toddlers themselves is the reason that parents can become physically and mentally exhausted, that is just part of the larger picture. It does take a lot of energy to play with toddlers, keep them fed and safe, and … Continue reading

It Doesn’t Help when People Tell You how Tired You Look

Like most of you single parents, I try to keep it together; I really don’t want to live an exhausted life of constant chaos so I do try to eat right, get enough rest, balance my life, etc. Unfortunately, there just seem to be times when all of that isn’t possible. I do get overwhelmed and overextended and I am the first person to get crabby about it (I am NOT one of those people who love to be busy or thrive in crisis, quite the opposite.) It definitely does not help when others tell me how puffy my eyes … Continue reading