Oy, I Overdid It – Recovering from Surgery

Let me tell you, the most frustrating part of having had surgery is that as an active person it’s very difficult to sit around and do nothing. So, while I am smart enough to follow my doctor’s instructions, I’m also stubborn enough to push the envelope and today – I overdid it. 15 Minutes of Effort Currently, 15 minutes of physical effort leaves me weak and exhausted. If I take a shower for fifteen minutes, I take a 2-hour nap right afterwards. When I go for my designated 15-minute walk, well that’s another 2 hours I need to spend napping. … Continue reading

Travel Health: Jetlag

What is jetlag, anyway? Is it for real, or just an excuse to take an extra day off after that big vacation to recover? Every person has an internal clock. This small cluster of brain cells helps control the timing of biological functions — like alertness, or sleepiness. The rhythm of your body as determined by your internal clock is known as your circadian rhythms. Read more about circadian rhythms here. When your body clock is thrown out of sync — by travel to another time zone — you may feel fatigued, disoriented, confused and fuzzy-headed, and tense. You may … Continue reading

Why am I so tired?

I found out I was pregnant and I was a little relieved, after all I’d been exhausted all the time. In fact, part of the reason I found out I was pregnant was because I went to the doctor to find out if I was sick. I’d been so tired and that was so unusual for me. It hit me over night, it seemed. One day I was fine and then over the course of a weekend, I felt run down and almost constantly craving a nap. The Amazing Race Your body is really quite wonderful. During what is called … Continue reading

Too Tired to Exercise?

Are you like most other Americans? Are you working longer hours? Are you sleeping less? Are you skipping meals? Are you a part of the 33% that suffer from chronic insomnia? If you are – then you are probably tired all the time and the very idea of hitting the treadmill, the elliptical, the gym, the aerobics or yoga class or worse – the weight training is something to be dreaded because if you are tired now – how the heck are you supposed to do the rest of it? Recharge Your Batteries Don’t get all caught up in the … Continue reading

Tired? Aromatherapy Can Help!

The afternoon at the office is dragging on. Your eyes are burning from the fluorescent lights and staring at the computer. The dull ache in your skull signals the beginning of a headache. You’re irritable. But before you grab a soda or a cup of coffee laden with sugar to perk you up, try something a little more natural. Aromatherapy is a quick and easy way to fight off tension headaches, stress, mental fatigue, and anxiety. Essential oils like black pepper, peppermint, and rosemary are stimulants that will help chase away tiredness and help restore your natural energy levels. If … Continue reading