
I’d never heard much about acai before a friend gave me a smoothie-maker for Christmas. Along with the smoothie-maker, I was given a big bag of frozen berries and some packets of acai to kick off my blender experiments. First things first: acai is pronounced ah-sigh-ee. It comes from Brazil and is all the rage in anti-aging these days. You might not think acai is much to look at — but these tiny, dark red and purple berries have huge health benefits. They’re full of essential fatty acids. They’re full of antioxidants — anthocyanins are antioxidants that lend those deep … Continue reading

Super Healthy, Super Exotic Fruits

Ready for a taste adventure that’s good for you? Apples, bananas, and oranges are tasty and healthy, but you can get many of the same health benefits from more exotic fruits. Fresh figs are chock full of potassium — six figs have nearly 900 milligrams of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. In fact, six figs have almost twice as much potassium as the average banana does. Figs are also a good source of calcium — a six fig serving has as much calcium as a half a cup of milk. Lychee nuts are an antioxidant bonanza — one … Continue reading