Letting Go of Images and Expectations

One of my favorite friends has a saying she uses when people start getting caught up in reviewing all the “shoulds” and “coulds” in their lives. She will say, “You’re just going to have to let that go.” It’s a great reminder that we really can immobilize ourselves with outside expectations and media or “traditional” images and spend all our time beating ourselves up. For the single parent, those external images and expectations are everywhere and if we are to be happy and effective, not to mention enjoy parenting and our families, “we’re going to have to let all that … Continue reading

Are You Living Up to Your Own Expectations?

I know that the title for this blog seems like an invitation to self-loathing, but it’s not going to be that sort of an article I promise! Of course we can’t always be everything and do everything we hope and intend—especially as home business owners, BUT, since we don’t have traditional annual evaluations in our home businesses, it can’t hurt to do a little evaluation and ask ourselves if we are living up to our own expectations. It is so easy to let the day-to-day realities get us down and we start to let go of things. Maybe it’s just … Continue reading

Marriage May Not Be What You Think It Will Be

The sad part is, marriage is almost never what you think it will be. Couples fall in love for different reasons and they get married for different reasons and if you asked 100 different couples what they thought their marriage would be like, chances are they would tell you I don’t know what I thought it would be like exactly, but I didn’t think it would be like this. Married Couples Spend As Much Time Apart As Together People think that when you get married, you spend all of your free time with your spouse. You may even do that … Continue reading

State Problems and Issues Out Loud

How often have you heard that the key to good relations is communication? Still, communication can be sort of a vague, challenging term—especially when it comes to family relations. We are so entwined and involved with our children that communication can get messy and complicated. One way to make sure that things aren’t getting dysfunctional and elusive, is to actually make sure to state problems and issues out loud and in as clear and “uncharged” language as possible. I think we can really get into trouble when we just expect our family members to “know” what is bothering us. We … Continue reading

Goals – Building, Living and Being Inspired

Every day we hear about the threat of obesity against our children, our future and ourselves. Fitness and health are more than a niche market, in fact, it seems like everyone is getting in on the act. My mother called me yesterday and we were talking and she mentioned off hand that she just picked up an elliptical machine. You could have scraped my jaw off the floor! My mother bought an elliptical machine? She ordered an elliptical machine, received delivery, put it together and plans to use it. WOW! Then she tells me something else that threw me, up … Continue reading

Making Sacrifices

As parents, we make many sacrifices for our kids. I’m normally okay with that but I realized today that this is not one of those times. You see my birthday falls on Easter this year. It’s happened before. A few times it fell on Good Friday. At first, I was excited until I realized that my birthday celebration was going to be overshadowed by Easter festivities. I thought I could handle it but I am ready to have a big ole hissy fit pretty soon. I decided that I would celebrate on Saturday. That I would do something I wanted … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About April

Good morning, welcome to our last day of March here at the Fitness Blog and whew, we blew into March like a lion with all these plans and we’re slinking out like a lamb with only a few of those plans seen to fruition. We took a bit of a break in March and though it was unexpected, to be honest, I needed it and I reaped a great benefit from the break because I was able to relax and really recuperate from my surgery. So, for those of you who may have been looking forward to some of the … Continue reading

Your Preemie

The statistics tell us that one out of every eight babies is born before the pregnancy achieves 37 weeks and these babies are considered premature. Thanks to our modern medicine and research in areas in pediatric health, preemies have a greater chance at survival and a long life. Infants born at 28 weeks and weighing just 2 pounds have a 95% survival rate and that’s amazing. So It’s Time To Bring Your Preemie Home No matter when your preemie was born, as they grow stronger and get healthier – there will come a time when you are ready to bring … Continue reading

Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to the 11th Month of the Year!

Can it really be November 1st already? That’s the part about the mad dash towards Halloween that always seems startling, the very next morning it’s November 1st and in my family, that means heading in towards the holidays. What lists we may have compiled, what gifts we may have already purchased or picked up and what plans we may have already made go under the microscope as we get ready for the last eight to nine weeks of the year. In three short weeks, it will be the week of Thanksgiving and on the very last day of the month, … Continue reading

Single Women

The phrase ‘single women’ elicits a provocative image of slender, young women dressed in clingy little dresses and dancing the night away in a singles bar. There is no question that this is an image facilitated by pop culture with movies like Charlie’s Angels and Something’s Gotta Give. In the former, you have attractive single women who kick butt and solve cases while looking good at it. The latter involves a randy older man played by Jack Nicholson who dates young, single women because they are still all about embracing life and no long-term commitment. The image of the single … Continue reading