Expect, and Tolerate, Experimentation

As adults, we can forget that there doesn’t always have to be a direct cause and effect to everything. We have learned to be focused on responsibility, learning life’s lessons, trying to minimize mistakes, and multi-tasking–we might forget that for children, life is about trial and error. Many lessons and things are learned through experimentation for a child and as parents we can remind ourselves to not only expect some regular experimentation, but to tolerate and encourage it. Think over your own childhood–remember all the experimenting and “messing around” that you did? Maybe you’ve forgotten all the discoveries you made … Continue reading

Responsible Business Owners Still Experiment

You may think that trial and error are not part of a responsible business person’s game plan. In fact, experimentation is key to problem-solving and finding new and better ways of doing business. If you are sticking to the tried and true methods in your home-based business, you may be missing out on the benefits of experimentation. It is not just the wild risk-takers who experiment in the business world, even rather stodgy and conservative businesses need to try things out, generate new ideas and then give them a test run, develop new products and services and give them a … Continue reading