Not All Advice is meant for You

Advice and suggestions are everywhere. Just read through this Home Business section and you will find hundreds (thousands!) of articles just full of advice on how to do a better job at starting or running your home business. It is important to remember, however, that even though it may sound like good advice and it may seem reasonable, it might not be meant for you or your home business. We have to learn how to sift and sort and choose the advice that works best for our situation and us. Of course, sometimes, it will only be through trial and … Continue reading

Piecing Together Your Parenting Style from Various Influences

There is a great deal of talk about parenting styles—parents are expected to figure out whether they are an authoritative or permissive parent and to fit themselves into a definition or box that defines the way they interact with their children. For many of us, however, we are a little of this and a little of that. As complex human beings who have evolving values and ideas about things—we may change and morph and our parenting style may actually be an eclectic collection from all sorts of different influences. It may seem sort of radical—but our parenting style CAN and … Continue reading

Compiling a Team of Experts

So, maybe we are not Fortune 500 companies with gobs of power and prestige, and maybe most of us don’t really know the sorts of movers and shakers that advise big businesses. But, this doesn’t need to stop us from compiling our own team of experts to serve as mentors and advisors for our home based businesses. In fact, we need this team of experts to help keep us informed, inspired, and motivated. Where do these experts come from? The experts you need for your home business do not necessarily need to have a string of initials after their names … Continue reading

Older Teens Really DON’T Come with Parenting Manuals

When I was a new parent, I could find dozens of books—hundreds of books—that were geared toward helping me figure out how to quiet a colicky baby, what to expect in terms of child development and all sorts of other parenting tips and tools. They were abundant and I probably turned to those books and manuals on a daily basis in those early years. Now that my kids are nearly grown, I seem to be on my own. The shelves at the book store are pretty sparse when it comes to parenting books… Sure there are books on troubled teens … Continue reading

New Marriage Book: Would You Like to Help?

If you could help someone write a book on marriage, would you do so? Well, you wouldn’t actually be helping write it in this case, but you would be helping the author with her research. It’s quick, easy, and painless. Dr. Carin Rubinstein is a writer and a social psychologist from New York who contacted me about an upcoming book. If her name sounds familiar, you may have seen her previously on shows like Good Morning America, Oprah Winfrey, The Early Show, The View, and Today. Dr. Carin expressed concern over issues in her own marriage of twenty-five years, such … Continue reading