Square Foot Field Trip – Backyard Exploring

Home schooling is, in my opinion, the best type of schooling there is. You can be certain your children are learning skills that are important for life such as filling out job applications, balancing checkbooks, cooking, frugal spending, and more. This is in addition to the typical education of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. But staying at home all the time can get boring for kids and parents. Field trips are excellent ways to get out of the house for awhile and incorporate fun with learning. But what if you’re simply too tired to drag the kids to a museum, library, … Continue reading

Captain Clutter & The Baby Explorer

Are you compulsive about how you tidy up your home? Does your baby make you crazy because the more mobile he or she becomes, the messier they get? It’s hard to keep a room straight and neat when baby is busy dismantling your bookshelves or dumping their toys out everywhere. One of my daughter’s favorite activities was to pull out all of the clothes out of the laundry basket and dragging them everywhere. Clutter Teaches As hard as it may seem to believe, clutter teaches our little ones. It teaches them about the different textures and the different objects. Consider … Continue reading

Date Night? Get Lost!

I’m not suggesting that “get lost” should be your answer when your spouse wants a date with you. Not at all. I’m suggesting that you and your spouse actually go out and get lost together. Does that sound a little crazy? Maybe, but don’t knock it until you try it. While the weather in your area might not be conducive to a good hike or other outdoor adventure right now, keep this idea in mind for when the weather is nice. My husband and I used to drop the kids off with his folks and just start driving, destination unknown. … Continue reading

The Sense of Touch – The World is at Their Fingertips

You know, it’s hard to pick out what sense is my favorite sense. After all, I love to feel the silkiness of my dog’s fur and the softness of my daughter’s cheek. Touching is so wonderful – whether the surface is smooth, rough, soft, scaly, feathered or downy. There is so much in the world that our toddlers can discover through their sense of touch. The pages of a hard cardboard book; the roughness of their daddy’s stubble cheek; the softness of your own hair – and yes, your toddler will love to run their fingers through it and tug … Continue reading