Mid-Day Lighting

If you’ve played with lighting before in your photography, you know that time of day is one way to control the temperature of your lighting. There’s something soft and flattering about the later light of the day right before dusk. It’s golden, which is really a great way to capture your subjects. The middle of the day is typically the worst time of the day to take photos. The light is harsh, creating hard shadows, squinty eyes, and light photos. If your camera is on auto mode, you may not have the control you want under these conditions. But you … Continue reading

Finding the Best White Balance

One of the beautiful things about digital cameras is the ability to see the image you’ve just captured without a time delay. Instead of shooting a whole roll of film and finding out later that your photos are over or under exposed, we have the luxury of adjusting the camera settings or trying again right on the spot. I have an older point-and-shoot camera that still takes amazing photos. One of the things I love most about my camera is how it adjusts the white balance automatically. Of course, there’s also a button for adjusting the light, but in many … Continue reading

Constant and Regular Exposure for Your Home Business

When we start thinking about marketing and promotions for our businesses, many of us get overwhelmed. It can seem like a huge world and we might feel completely unprepared for tackling “marketing.” One key thing to remember (and maybe the only thing you need to remember) is just to focus on constant and regular exposure of your business with your target market. Once you are sure of the mission and message of your business and its marketing, it is time to share that message with everyone. That means getting it everywhere and making sure that you are constantly, regularly, and … Continue reading

The Last of the Common Photography Errors

All week, we have been discussing common photography errors. Understanding and learning about the errors, can only help us be better photographers in the long run. If we know the mistake can happen, we can do more to avoid it. Here are the last few common errors that a photographer can and does make. Be sure you do not. Poor Exposure This used to be a much more common problem with film cameras and with newer modern technology, it simply is not anymore. However, many photographers still use their film camera’s so it begs to be discussed. The main reason … Continue reading