Aunt Fern

I recently wrote about the acceptance of our adopted children by our extended family. One family member has been so exceptional that she deserves an article dedicated solely to her. Both of my wife’s parents are deceased. All of us have a special need in our heart that only a parent can satisfy. My wife has an aunt that has filled the roles of mother to her and grandmother to our boys. Six months ago, Nancy and I were badly in need of a time of refreshing. Her aunt hosted us in her beautiful home in far south Texas. Everything … Continue reading

Author Interview – Michelle Ashman Bell, Part Four

Thanks for joining us for our concluding interview with top selling LDS author, Michele Ashman Bell. If you missed parts one, two, or three, click on these links to get caught up. Michele, in addition to the women’s fiction and Christmas booklets you’ve written, you’ve also come out with some children’s books. Can you tell us about those? “Latter-day Spies: Spyhunt” – This book is about a pair of twins whose father is the American Ambassador to Germany. Because of his high profile status the kids are kept under close watch. The children are joined by their friend, Fami, a … Continue reading

Acceptance of Adopted Children by Extended Family

Statistics show that the least likely children to be adopted in this country are African American. Most people looking to adopt are white. One of the reasons given by people who reject these children is that they are concerned about whether their extended family members would accept them. Four of our five adopted children are African American. My wife and I are in the racial minority in our household. We would not have it any other way. Our grown children were not at all surprised. As a family, we had been doing church work that targeted disadvantaged people of color … Continue reading