Ten Signs that Your Child May Have Vision Problems

There are a number of vision disorders that affect children, some of which can cause permanent damage if not treated early. It’s true that newborns can see, but their vision continues to develop for many years as they grow. A child’s vision doesn’t finish developing until the age of nine. If you see any of these signs, it’s probably time to schedule a visit with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. It doesn’t necessarily mean the trouble is serious, but it’s certainly worth investigating further. Parents can’t expect their children to declare, “I’m having trouble seeing.” Many children have no idea they … Continue reading

First Aid: Eye Out of Socket

Just to get this out of the way… GROSS! A blow to the head can cause a dog or cat’s eye to pop out of the socket. An eye out of place is more common in flat faced dogs like Shih Tzus and Pekingese… but it can happen to anyone. (Cue scary eye popping out music!) Displaced eyeballs usually LOOK worse than they actually are. Sometimes, the eye is just pushed a little forward; sometimes it actually rests on the cheek area. But if the muscles and nerves aren’t damaged badly, there’s a better than fifty percent chance your pet … Continue reading

First Aid: Eye Problems

Late last night my Moose started to have some trouble with his left eye. He was pawing at it constantly, and there was a clear gooey discharge. Like any concerned parent would do, I tried to pry his eye open for a look. No dice. Moose was not interested in having me investigate his eye problem. So… the pawing continued. All night long. This morning? Same story. Pawing at his eye, clear discharge. The area around the affected eye is warm to the touch, warmer than the other eye. It seems to be a little swollen, as far as I … Continue reading