Black Males Are Lagging Academically

A school board member at Houston’s largest school system has noticed the discouraging state statistics showing that African American males are lagging behind all other demographic groups academically. He checked the records in Houston and found that black males were scoring at or near the lowest levels in every course and at every grade level. This fact is something that almost everyone in educational circles knows, but few are actually talking about. He has a plan to try and turn the situation around in Texas. His plan is called the Texas Minority Male Youth Initiative. He hopes to stir up … Continue reading

Educational Crisis in Texas

In my two previous blogs, I wrote about disadvantaged children that my wife and I had worked with in Houston. One of the really sad aspects of their lives is the fact that the majority of them will not graduate from high school. Our adopted children would have grown up in similar circumstances. The problem is that there is no one to rescue these kids. Several private organizations have released startling statistics that reflect that disadvantaged children in Texas have a poor chance of graduating. In the average year, over thirty per cent of the kids who started high school … Continue reading