Recognizing the Lord’s Hand in Your Life

Are there times in your life when it is difficult to find the hand of the Lord in your life? Often in the midst of trials or even day to day life it can be difficult to recognize that the Lord cares about your daily struggles. It is too easy to think that only the really big milestones matter to the Lord, or that you are insignificant in the sight of the Lord. There are times that I struggle with these feelings. However I know that the Lord loves me. When I feel this way I do a few things … Continue reading

Dealing With Doubt

Have you ever wondered about Thomas? Wondered why Thomas wasn’t with the disciples when Jesus first appeared to them? Was his grief so deep that he couldn’t cope with being with the other disciples but needed to be alone to deal with it? That’s the way some people deal with grief. Then when they’ve worked through it, they can come back and relate to others again. Or was Thomas hiding for fear of the consequences for the disciples? After all, Jesus had been killed. Would the Pharisees and those who were against Jesus come after his disciples next? Maybe it … Continue reading

My Favorite Television Moms

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day! Now, let’s get down to the business of this blog – my favorite television mothers! Television has been around for a while, so I have about 60 or so years of shows from which to choose. If I left out one of your favorites, please let me know! 10. Florida Evans – “Good Times” Oh sure, you might not be living in the lap of luxury, but you would sure have a lot of love. Florida showed her love for J.J., Thelma, and Michael all the time, but she wasn’t afraid to offer them … Continue reading

General Conference from the Past: Strengthen the Feeble Knees – Marvin J. Ashton

Elder Marvin J. Ashton delivered this address which was printed in the November 1991 issue of the Ensign. You can read it in its entirety here, but I offer the following highlights. He says he’s always been intrigued by the spiritual expression, “feeble knees.” While this makes us think of knees that aren’t physically strong, he also believes that it refers to fear, as we find it in Isaiah 35:3-4: 3. Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. 4. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come … Continue reading

A Man Called Peter (1955)

Recently I watched a favorite movie of mine. ‘A Man Called Peter’stars Richard Todd as Peter Marshall and Jean Peters as Catherine Wood, who later became his wife. The movie was adapted from the book of the same name written by Catherine Marshall. The movie starts in Scotland with a young boy struggling to go to sea. But God had other plans for Peter Marshall as he found put when God saved him from falling into an abandoned quarry. At that time Peter Marshall vowed to live his life for God. Peter did end up crossing the seas as God’s … Continue reading

Questions From a Psalm

What do your thirst or hunger for? In Psalm 42 the psalmist states the deep thirst he has for God, like that of ‘a deer panting for water,’ verse 1. Do I have that same ongoing desire and need to meet with the Lord as this psalmist?I admit I have been struggling in this area recently. What about you? Do you have this same deep longing for God – that you simply couldn’t imagine life without Him? That you can’t wait to be in His presence? God certainly convicted me this hasn’t been my response of late. The psalmist recognizes … Continue reading

Missing Teeth

I’ve heard of things ending up in strange places, but never as bizarre as this story which appeared in our local paper on Wednesday April 2. While swimming at Culburra Beach a woman took her false teeth, which were a little loose, out. She slipped them into the top of her swimming costume. This was fine, till a large wave crashed into her. Unfortunately she didn’t notice the false teeth had gone until much later. Without her teeth, she was restricted to eating soft food. But then a week later, someone found her false teeth and handed them in to … Continue reading

Tithing and the Economy

With the bad news in regards to the economy, you may begin to feel the pinch in your budget at home. One of the areas that you may consider cutting back on is tithing. In fact if you go to many financial advisors they recommend that you stop paying tithing if you are having a difficult time making ends meet. However, tithing is a commandment, and you will be blessed for paying your tithing. The blessings of tithing are not necessarily seen just monetarily. You may not become rich if you pay your tithing, but you will be blessed in … Continue reading

Tristi Pinkston Shares Thoughts on Juggling, Ranting and Raving, and Faith

One of my resolutions for ‘08 was to emphasize the positives of marriage. My thinking was that if we have good examples to follow, we’ll have guides to help strengthen our own relationships. That said, I’d like to introduce you to my fellow blogger, Tristi Pinkston. Tristi is a Senior Blogger who covers Media, Movie Reviews, and LDS and has been married to her husband twelve and a half years. I asked if she’d be game for an interview because she’s a very witty, wise woman who always has sage advice. In other words, she’s primo role model material. I … Continue reading

When You Can’t Change a Situation

There will be trials in your life when you feel that you cannot change anything, and that you must simply struggle through it. While you may not be able to control the circumstances around you, you can control your attitude and they way you react to your situation. During these trials you should remember to look to the Lord for hope, guidance and strength. It makes a big difference to look at a situation with hope. Hope helps you to find the strength to continue to struggle and it brings you peace during your darkest moments. Finding and focusing on … Continue reading