Where is your security?

When things go wrong in your life, where do you turn? To a friend, husband, wife, parent? Or do you turn to some activity to try and help you forget for a while what is happening? Many women have experienced the fear of finding a lump in their breast. I’ve known it myself. It my case it was a cyst and easily dealt with. For others the prognosis is not so good. Breast cancer – even the words can strike fear into a woman’s heart. Yesterday a dear friend and I went along to ‘Wade in the Water’ a function … Continue reading

Trusting the Lord

One of the most difficult things to do is to trust in the Lord. I find this especially difficult because I also feel that I should try to do all that I can to help things to change. Sometimes we need to do something to work towards the answers. However there are times, when no matter what we do, we do not have the ability to help our prayers be answered. These times are when it takes the most trust in the Lord. When I experience a time like this in my life, I find that I am praying much … Continue reading

Change of Heart

One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is Alma 5. I love the message that Alma teaches the people of Zarahemla about having Christ’s image in your countenance. He asks questions about whether your actions reflect your beliefs. He speaks about the change of heart that comes with true conversion. It always causes me to sit back and look at where I am spiritually at that moment. In verse 26 Alma says “And now . . . if you have experienced a change of heart, and if you have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Obedience Born of Faith in God

As we continue to catch up on the Spencer W. Kimball lessons from the 2007 course of study, let’s take a look at #13, entitled, “Obedience Born of Faith in God.” When we have true faith, it acts as a motivating force for us as we seek to do the will of God. As we exercise that faith, it keeps us moving forward, even though we may not have concrete proof. We can tap into the world of miracles without knowing just how they came about much as we can enjoy light without understanding the principles of electricity. Just as … Continue reading

A Very Meowy Christmas

Besides patience, all I wanted Santa to bring me this year was family unity. Which he did, but a little earlier than last night. Regular readers know what I’m talking about. The strife that besieged our house earlier this year when I brought home the little stray who has since become our beloved Tabby Girl. For a while it was chaos. Poor Mr. Meow had met his match and lost the run of his house. If he dared to venture out, he had to do so cautiously and be prepared to run if Tabby spotted him. His whole routine and … Continue reading

The Fortitude of Our Pioneer Ancestors

Our mailbox is across a grassy patch and around a corner from our house. The grass is nice and soft, and in good weather, I often walk to get the mail in my bare feet. A couple of weeks ago, we had a cold rainy spell, and I went out anyway, not realizing just how cold that grass was going to be. By the time I hit the concrete in front of the mailbox, I was in serious pain. My feet were so cold, I could hardly stand it. I grabbed the mail and dashed back as quickly as I … Continue reading

The Process of Learning to Trust Again

Many of us have found our way to single parenthood by walking through a minefield of betrayed and battered trust issues. On the road to becoming so independent and self-sufficient, we may have “learned” that we really cannot trust anyone else. In our determination to be dependable and responsible in taking care of our child or children, we may have told ourselves that we really cannot trust anyone else. One of the challenges of rebuilding a life as a single parent is to learn how to grow from this place, and start the process of learning to trust again. I … Continue reading


When it comes to persevering through a trial, hope is one of the most important things that you can have. Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and in the plan of salvation allows you to hope. When we have the correct perspective we know that things will work out eventually and that we will have the strength to endure the trials that we are facing. Peace will come as you focus your hope on the eternal and understand that Heavenly Father does know the best outcome. There are times when you may be hoping, praying or wishing for the … Continue reading


It is important to have a firm testimony on the basics of the gospel. The most important thing to have a testimony of is Jesus Christ and His Atonement for the sins of the world. This basic principle gives us all hope and a chance to begin again. Without it we could not return to live with our Heavenly Father. Additionally it is important to gain a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith was able to restore the gospel to the earth through the direction of Jesus Christ. He was able to translate … Continue reading

You Priorities or the Lord’s Priorities

Do you ever find yourself wondering why things are just not working out the way that you want them to? This can be an extremely frustrating thing to happen, especially if you tend to plan things out and arrange them perfectly in your head. I am a detail-oriented person who loves to plan my life out in advance years at a time. I often get frustrated because things do not seem to go the way that I think they should. I often find myself telling the Lord what I want done, and how I want it. As I have grown … Continue reading