Your Prayers

Are there times when you feel like your prayers are not being heard? This can happen to the best of us. It is important that the Lord is there. He does listen and answers to our prayers. There may be several reasons that you may feel this way. Here is a list of things to consider. 1) Are you taking the time you need to pray? If you hurriedly rush out a prayer because you are late for work, you may not have time to feel as though you are being heard. You may need to schedule a place that … Continue reading

Faith Is a Decision

As I read the conference talk this week, one comment that Elder Neal A. Anderson made really stuck with me. He said, “Faith is not only a feeling; it is a decision.” Elder Anderson went on to talk about how you can choose to build up your faith through studying the gospel and making righteous decisions. As I have contemplated that faith is more than a feeling, I have come to realize that it is really true. You can say that you believe something, but if you truly believe it, you will act on it. I believe that faith grows … Continue reading

In What Direction Have You Pitched Your Tent?

One of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon is when King Benjamin speaks to the people. One part that has always stood out to me is that the people pitched their tents towards the temple. This demonstrates how focused the people were on learning and living the gospel Another story from the Bible that teaches about our focus is when Lot’s wife is turned to salt because she turns back to look at the city. Her focus was not where it needed to be. As I was reading in Mosiah today, I asked myself where is my focus. … Continue reading

Hope – a Gift from God

Today is a day of sadness for America as we commemorate the sixth anniversary of the World Trade Center bombings. However, it is not a day for despair. God wants us to have hope in all our trials, and today is no different. Elder M. Russell Ballard, in his Ensign article “The Hope of Joy Fulfilled,” November 1992 said: “My message to you today, my brothers and sisters, is simply this: the Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His … Continue reading

General Conference: “It’s True, Isn’t It? Then Nothing Else Matters”

In his talk “It’s True, Isn’t It? Then What Else Matters?” Elder Neal A Anderson speaks about the importance of living the gospel completely. He opens his talk by sharing the story of a young man who was returning home to Korea after joining the church. He was talking to President Hinckley who asked him if he could handle giving up his family, his friends and possibly his career for the church. The young man replied by pointing out that since he knew the church was true, nothing else mattered. This young man knew that things would work out if … Continue reading

From Seeds to Trees

We’re familiar with the parable of the sower, who went out into the field and cast his seeds. Some went onto rocky ground, some went onto shallow ground, and some sank into deep, rich soil. The seeds were all identical – they all contained the same life element within them. The difference between whether they sprang forth or withered away – indeed, if they sprouted at all – was found in the place where they landed. The seed is symbolic of the Gospel of Christ. Missionaries are out there right now, spreading that seed far and wide. We help to … Continue reading

Learning from Your Trials

My husband uses the analogy of the rubber band when he talks about trials and faith to our daughter. He points out that if a rubber band is made out of real rubber it needs to be stretched every few days so that it holds its elasticity. If you neglect this task the rubber band quickly becomes brittle and breaks very easily. Trials help us to continue to grow spiritually. Similarly when you are tested and tried, the trial may not be taken from you, but rather you are given the strength that you need in order to bear up … Continue reading

Do You Know What Dogfighting Is?

Now that a high-profile sports star has been charged with dogfighting, the phenomenon is all over the news. But do you know what dogfighting is? Dogfighting is — as the name implies — a contest in which two dogs fight each other. The dogs are bred, conditioned, or trained to fight. The fights average an hour in length and can often last more than two hours; the fight is over when one of the dogs cannot or will not continue. During the fight, spectators can watch and bet on the outcome. Dogfighting is illegal in the United States and is … Continue reading

Likening the Scriptures to Ourselves

As I’ve prepared for my new, upcoming calling as Seminary teacher (of which, I’m sure, you will hear a lot about!), I have seriously pondered Nephi’s method of teaching. You see, as Nephi instructed his brothers, he states, “I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning” (1 Nephi 19:23). As he put himself in the scriptures, they began to mean more to him. Similarly, it is my hope as Seminary teacher to help my students realize that all scripture – even from the Old Testament – relates to them in some way. … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Doubting Thomas

Usually, when we think of those who did not walk in faith, our minds turn to the disciple Thomas. He proclaimed, “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25) However, as I reread the scriptures today, I saw other disciples who were equally doubtful – in fact, all of them! When Mary and the other women left the tomb, they ran to the apostles – to those who served most closely with Christ! … Continue reading