Gospel Doctrine: Witnesses of the Resurrected Lord

Various witnesses who saw Jesus in His resurrected state. First among them were Mary Magdalene and other women who had come to the tomb to anoint His body for burial. Next were the Apostles of Christ. Their testimonies teach us of Christ, and we, in turn, bear our testimonies to teach others. In the beginning of the first three chapters we read for class this week – Matthew 28, Luke 24, and John 20 – we learn that several women ventured to the tomb to prepare Christ’s body. There, the find not their deceased friend Jesus, but two angels who … Continue reading

Modern Day Miracles

So many people say that miracles have stopped happening. Some people believe that miracles stopped at the end of the Bible. I think it is important to realize all of the miracles that are around us today. If you stop and look at the world, it is much different now than it was even a hundred years ago. I feel that many of the changes are a result of the inspiration that God gave to man. In my definition that makes it a miracle. For example look at the steps forward that we have had in medicine. Vaccinations help to … Continue reading

Do Your Actions Demonstrate Your Priorities?

Recently I took a quiz that matched me to the political candidate I should vote for. The quiz asked me all sorts of questions about the many different issues that you consider when voting for a candidate. I was surprised to discover that the candidate that I most closely matched was not one that I had considered, in fact he is not in the same political party that I put myself in. It really got me thinking about what I felt and thought and why. Now as we all know this is a religious blog and not a political one, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: A Continuing Prosperity

President Kimball makes it very clear that the possession of wealth, money, and things is not, in and of itself evil. Describing the Nephites in their aforementioned cycle, he states, “Had the people used their wealth for good purposes they could have enjoyed a continuing prosperity.” It stands to reason, then, that the same should be true of us. If we make sure we use our blessings for the building up of the Lord’s kingdom, we will continue to prosper. (My initial thought, incidentally, was to state we will retain possession of our wealth. This is not always true, as … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “I Know Him Not”

This week’s Sunday School lesson focuses on the trial and crucifixion of Christ. After His arrest, the disciple Peter followed Him from afar. When recognized, he denied knowing Jesus three times, as Jesus had earlier predicted. When the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, the disciple remembered his vow to follow Jesus to prison and to death (Luke 22:33), and he “went out, and wept bitterly” (Luke 22:62). Here we have a man, a disciple who loved Christ earnestly and sincerely, and who had already given up so much to follow Him. Why would he then deny the Savior? President … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Setting (Your) Plans Aside”

This week’s Relief Society and Elder’s Quorum lesson comes from Chapter 14, “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.” Your initial thought is probably similar to mine – how ridiculous! Of course I don’t worship other gods! Yet the span of this lesson does not focus on religious rituals to pagan gods, but on the worship of things other than the One, True God. How do we show our love and devotion to the Lord? The Lord has asked us to love Him and to serve Him. We love Him by and through serving Him, and, by extension, serving … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Sorrow Turned to Joy

As Christ prepares Himself to leave His disciples, He warns them of His impending death. He knows that they will view His crucifixion with pain and sorrow. And yet, he promises that “your sorrow shall be turned to joy” (John 16:20). Two thousand years later, we look at the atonement of Christ almost always from a joyful standpoint. After all, it was because He took our sins upon Him that we are able to return home. Similarly, we would not be able to be resurrected had He not first suffered death and then resurrection, and so we would not be … Continue reading

Home Teaching Message: Hidden Wedges

The home teaching lesson for this month, given by President Thomas S. Monson, begins with a story of a wedge that I have loved since I first read it in a manual many years ago. The premise of the story is that a beautiful tree is destroyed in an ice storm by a wedge placed in its branches many years before. President Monson goes on to talk about hidden wedges in our lives. The hidden wedges President Monson addresses are those of hardheartedness. The leaders of the church – and the scriptures – have taught us time and time again … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: Practicing Holiness

The second section of the Visiting Teaching message on practicing holiness truly touched my heart. Although there were several things that touched me in both quotes, I felt myself truly respond to Bonnie Parkin’s admonition that “holiness is a product of covenant living.” Throughout our spiritual walk with the church, we make covenants. First, we covenant when we are baptized to serve Christ and try to be like Him. Then we renew that covenant every Sunday when we take the sacrament; we restate our willingness to keep His commandments. When we go through the temple, we make several covenants, and … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “Whosoever Killeth You…”

As I reviewed the Gospel Doctrine lesson for this week, the second half of John 16:2 stood out to me. Here, Jesus tells His disciples that “whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Given that today is the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these words took on a special significance to me. Of course, Joseph was not the only person in the restored church who died because of his faith. Early church history is filled with a number of Saints who gave their lives because of their faith. One story that stood out … Continue reading