Visiting Teaching Message: Becoming Holy

This month’s visiting teaching message focuses on how we can become instruments in the Lord’s hands by practicing holiness. Today, I would like to examine what, exactly, holiness is. The bible dictionary notes that holy items were those “set apart for a sacred purpose.” The same can be said for people. Like many items in the temple, we, too, have a sacred purpose – to do His work and to return to Him. We were sent here to be tested. We have a choice of whether to be common and worldly, or to be different, to be set apart. The … Continue reading

The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith

One hundred and sixty-three years ago today, Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, were shot and killed in jail in Carthage Jail at Carthage, Illinois. Willard Richards and future prophet John Taylor were with them. Taylor was wounded, while Richards escaped harm. I cannot express in adequate words the events of that day, and so I will not try. I will, however, provide you with a link to an Ensign article describing what happened. One of the things I most struggled with when I joined the church was my testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Indeed, I was baptized without … Continue reading


I have been thinking lately of being able to find gratitude in all the situations that I am in. I think that this is a really important skill to develop, although there are times when it is difficult to find something to be grateful for. I have found that it is easier for me to find blessings after a trial is over, then it is for me to find the blessings while I am going through it. One focus that helps you to find and express gratitude is to enjoy each moment of your life. If you are always focused … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Going Without

The prophets have taught us increasingly to avoid debt. As we struggle through this modern world, that may be hard to comprehend. For many families – especially young families – it seems hard to go through life on a small paycheck. But the sad reality for most Americans is that, as their paychecks increase, so does their spending. Right now, our nation has a negative savings rate. As a country, we are spending more than we are saving. President Kimball urges us to “live within (our) means and not beyond them.” What does it mean to live within your means? … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Deceiving the Elect

On Wednesday, we discussed the characteristics of the elect. Today, I’d like to discuss the warning given by Christ in JS-M 1:22 regarding the deception of those chosen by God. If you compare JS-M 1:22 to Matt 24:24, you will see only one difference. Instead of simply reading that false prophets and false Christs “shall deceive the very elect,” we are told further “who are the elect according to the covenant.” Since we established earlier this week that there are different types of the elect, this means that a single specific group is being referred to. Who are “the elect … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: Reverence Invites Revelation

In October 1991, Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve gave a talk entitled “Reverence Invites Revelation.” He speaks of the need for reverent behavior and how such quiet can usher in the delicate promptings of the Holy Spirit. Elder Packer begins by warning those who seek to study the gospel from an intellectual perspective only. The promptings of the spirit do not come by intellect alone, but by feeling. He warned that several groups within the church were focusing too much on measuring doctrine and ordinances by the mind alone. With this warning past, he turned … Continue reading

Postpartum Depression and Temple Worship

Don’t start worrying, but I’ll go ahead and confess that I have struggled with postpartum depression to some degree with the birth of all four of my children – including the one I just had. A recent trip to the temple helped me put things in perspective, and I’d like to elaborate a little on why I encourage anyone struggling with any form of depression to attend as often as possible. Of course, we all know that we should be visiting the temple as frequently as circumstances will allow. Most of the time, when we think of the temple, we … Continue reading

Pride and Service

Miriam has written a couple of blogs over the last few months about accepting help and service. As I read these, I found myself nodding in agreement. As I thought about the subject, I realized that there really is only reason we don’t ask for help when we need it: pride. When we find ourselves struggling, we need to take a good luck within and make sure that this flaw isn’t keeping us from getting the assistance we need. There are various ways that pride manifests itself within us. Some are more obvious than others. Miriam has done a wonderful … Continue reading

The Cursing of the Fig Tree

When I was a child, I always wondered why Christ would curse the fig tree that bore Him no fruit. (Matthew 21:19-20) It did Him no harm, and was a simple plant. Only later, as I learned more of the scriptures (and made it through Jacob in the Book of Mormon) did I understand that He was teaching a parable not with words, but with actions. Here we are, in the last week of the Savior’s ministry. He is approaching Jerusalem; the atonement and the crucifixion loom in His near future. For the last three years, He has taught all … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Tell Your Marriage Is Bellyup

We’ve been talking about ways to improve your marriage, and last week we enjoyed a humorous glimpse of how you can tell if you and your spouse should just be translated now and get it over with. (By the way, if most of the items on that list sounded familiar, I may have to send out a hit squad.) Now, let’s take a look at some sure signs that your marriage is at the other end of the spectrum. 1. You fight so much that when he says he is doing fine, you respond by snapping, “You’re wrong!” before you … Continue reading