Some Things You Have No Control Over

Some things, as a parent, you have no control over. One of them is who your child marries or falls in love with. This was brought out last night in play called The Peach Season,by Debra Oswald, which has a lot to do with relationships. At one stage the mother of one man says to the audience, ‘ Who your child marries, you have no control over.’ She then goes on to talk a bit more and it is obvious she does not like her daughter in law or consider her good enough for her son. Another relationship is that … Continue reading

What People Say About Marriage

It seems everyone has something to say about marriage and not all of those who talk about marriage portray it in the best light. Famous books and famous authors have had something to say about marriage. Which of these quotes sounds most like your marriage? ‘In marriage, happiness is just a matter of chance’ – Pride and Prejudice. ‘I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make my marriage vows mean what they say. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh’ – Anna Quindlen, A Short Guide to a Happy Life ‘No man or … Continue reading

A Trip Down Memory Lane

When I went back to Denver to to get my mom Wayne stayed behind. Physically. But as he is most days, he was never far from my thoughts. Except the thoughts I had of him while I was there were a little bit different. Mostly because I was remembering our earliest years together. Heck, our earliest days. The ones when we very first fell in love. And most of them were sparked when I passed places where we’d shared time together. Tamarac Square There used to be a movie theater inside, and I want to say there still might be … Continue reading

Do You Ever Fall in Love with Your Spouse All over Again?

I know that you always love your spouse or your mate. I know that I always love mine. However there are times that our love seems newer and fresher than other times. There are times when our love feels more abundant and refreshing. Have you ever had those moments when you look at your spouse or long time mate with new eyes? Of course you love your mate and have not fallen out of love. However, do you ever have those moments when you feel that you have fallen in love all over again? I personally love those moments. It … Continue reading

Marriage First, Love Second?

Last week I watched The Painted Veil and was swept away by the love story. Which at first wasn’t much of a love story. Naomi Watts played Kitty, a vain, spoiled selfish young woman whose parents –her mother in particular—want to see her married. (I should add the story is set in the 1920s when even more emphasis was placed on women marrying.) At a party, her father invites Dr. Walter Fane (played by Edward Norton), a quiet, reserved young man he hopes will catch Kitty’s eye. He doesn’t so much catch her eye as he does catch her off … Continue reading